Journal of Food and Nutrition Research
ISSN (Print): 2333-1119 ISSN (Online): 2333-1240 Website: Editor-in-chief: Prabhat Kumar Mandal
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Journal of Food and Nutrition Research. 2015, 3(9), 607-612
DOI: 10.12691/jfnr-3-9-8
Open AccessArticle

Compositional Characteristics of Young Shoots of Selected Bamboo Species Growing in Kenya and Their Potential as Food Source

Paul N. Karanja1, , Glaston M. Kenji1, Simon M. Njoroge1, Daniel N. Sila1, Christine A. Onyango2, Hiroshi Koaze3 and Naomichi Baba4

1Food Science and Technology, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Nairobi, Kenya

2Taita Taveta University College, Voi, Kenya

3Food Science, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Obihiro, Japan

4School of Bioscience and Technology, Okayama University, Okayama, Japan

Pub. Date: November 26, 2015

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Paul N. Karanja, Glaston M. Kenji, Simon M. Njoroge, Daniel N. Sila, Christine A. Onyango, Hiroshi Koaze and Naomichi Baba. Compositional Characteristics of Young Shoots of Selected Bamboo Species Growing in Kenya and Their Potential as Food Source. Journal of Food and Nutrition Research. 2015; 3(9):607-612. doi: 10.12691/jfnr-3-9-8


Bamboo shoots have been used for many years as food particularly in Asian countries. In Kenya however utilization of bamboo for food is largely unknown despite the frequent food shortages, high poverty level and widespread nutritional disorders. The objective of this study was to determine some compositional characteristics of three bamboo species namely, Bambusa vulgaris, Dendrocalamus giganteus and Yushania alpina growing in Kenya and show their potential as important food source. Proximate and mineral composition were determined using standard AOAC methods. Total polyphenol, flavonoids, antioxidant activity and anti-nutrient factors were also determined using established protocols. Results were expressed on fresh weight basis. The shoots were found to contain 1.9-3.6% of carbohydrates, 2.3-2.6% of protein, 91.2-92.3% of moisture, 1.6-2.6% of fiber, 0.14-0.17% of fat and 0.98-1.17% of ash. Mineral content in mg/100g were 20.2-31.8 of Ca, 53.4-103.0 of Mg, 51.4-67.4 of P, 288.8-362.6 of K, 0.3-1.3 of Mn and 0.9-1.5 of Zn. 3.0-16.1 mg/100g of total polyphenols and 53.1-288.4mg/100g of flavonoids were observed to be contained. Tannins, oxalates and phytic acid of 0.007-0.030%, 0.7-1.2% and 0.8-2.7%, respectively were found present. These findings provide vital baseline data for exploitation of bamboo shoots in nutritional interventions in Kenya.

bamboo shoots proximate composition minerals polyphenols flavonoids anti-nutrients

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