Journal of Food and Nutrition Research
ISSN (Print): 2333-1119 ISSN (Online): 2333-1240 Website: Editor-in-chief: Prabhat Kumar Mandal
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Journal of Food and Nutrition Research. 2014, 2(12), 876-879
DOI: 10.12691/jfnr-2-12-3
Open AccessArticle

Chickpea Seeds Ferritin as a Potential Source in the Treatment of Iron Deficiency Anemia

Yun Huang1, 2, , Min Xin1, Qian Li1, Xiaohong Luo2, Xiaowen Wang3, Xianwei Zou1, Xuan Liu1, Benke Chen2 and Jintian Tang1

1Institute of Medical Physics and Engineering, Department of Engineering Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

2Beijing Longcredit Essence Biotechnology Co. Ltd, Beijing, China

3Institute of neurological disorders, Yuquan hospital, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

Pub. Date: November 05, 2014

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Yun Huang, Min Xin, Qian Li, Xiaohong Luo, Xiaowen Wang, Xianwei Zou, Xuan Liu, Benke Chen and Jintian Tang. Chickpea Seeds Ferritin as a Potential Source in the Treatment of Iron Deficiency Anemia. Journal of Food and Nutrition Research. 2014; 2(12):876-879. doi: 10.12691/jfnr-2-12-3


Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) is one of the most common nutritional problems that encountered all over the world. This study focused on the effects of chickpea seeds ferritin (CSF) as aniron supplement on IDA in rats. Six groups of female Wistar rats (n = 8) were used, which contain (1) control group; (2) IDA model group; (3) FeSO4 positive control group (dosages of iron is 3 mg/(kg•d)); (4) CSF high-dose group (dosage of iron is 3 mg/(kg•d); (5) CSF medium-dose group (dosage of iron is 1.5 mg/(kg•d)); and (6) CSF low-dose group (dosage of iron is 0.75 mg/(kg•d)). After 2 weeks, the hemoglobin (Hb) concentration value, serum iron (SI) stores, body weights, blood parameters and tissue weights of anemic rats were measured, respectively. It showed that the Hb concentration value and SI stores were significantly increased in the iron supplement groups (CSF, FeSO4) compared with the IDA model group (P< 0.05). Additionally, the changes of red blood cell (RBC) number and HCT (Hematocrit) level in CSF groups were significantly greater than the IDA model group at the end of the experiment. All in all, compared with FeSO4 group, a higher bioavailability of iron and fewer side effects were observed in the CSF groups. Thus, the present study indicated that CSF was an effective source of iron supplement for the IDA model rats and could be developed as a functional product to overcome the malnutrition-related iron deficiency.

iron deficiency anemia chickpea seeds ferritin hemoglobin serum iron iron supplement

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