Journal of Automation and Control. 2017, 5(2), 81-84
DOI: 10.12691/automation-5-2-11
Open AccessArticle
Filip Filakovský1, and Michal Kelemen1
1Department of Mechatronics, Technical University of Kosice, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Kosice, Slovak Republic
Pub. Date: December 11, 2017
Cite this paper:
Filip Filakovský and Michal Kelemen. The Basics in Designing a Mobile Robot. Journal of Automation and Control. 2017; 5(2):81-84. doi: 10.12691/automation-5-2-11
This document provide a basic information about designing a mobile robots for beginners. At the start going to be describe some basic math formulas for correct design of robot chassis. After that is possible to talk about a micro-controllers, sensors and communication between them.Keywords:
mobile robot raspberry Arduino serial parallel communication drive
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[1] | FILAKOVSKÝ, F.: Návrh a konštrukcia prototypu autonómneho mobilného servisného robota, Diplomová práca, Košice, 2016. |
[2] | Picture Graphic view of robot on inclined plane from FILAKOVSKÝ, F.: Návrh a konštrukcia prototypu autonómneho mobilného servisného robota, Diplomová práca, Košice , 2016. |
[3] | Picture Calculation of inertia moment. From NOVÁK, P.: 2013 Mobilné roboty - pohony senzory řízení [ISBN 80-7300-141-1] BEN - technická literature. |
[4] | Picture Arduino board with AVR ATMEGA328p. from |
[5] | Picture ATMEGA328p standalone circuit from |
[6] | Picture Raspberry pi 3 Model B single-board computer from |
[7] | Picture Arduino shield for motor control from |
[8] | Picture Serial communication from |
[9] | Picture Parallel communication from |
[10] | Picture I2C communication scheme from |
[11] | Sensor definition from |
[12] | Picture Pressure, temp and humidity sensor with SPI interface from b/m/bme280-i2c-spi-temperature-humidity-pressure-sensor.jpg. |