American Journal of Food Science and Technology
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American Journal of Food Science and Technology. 2022, 10(1), 42-48
DOI: 10.12691/ajfst-10-1-6
Open AccessArticle

Changes in Sensory Attributes of Avocado Fruits and Quality of Their Oils during Storage at Ambient Temperature

Nahed M M Atta1, Mohamed F AL-Okaby1, and Christina S F Shenouda1

1Oils & Fats Research Department, Food Technology Research Institute, Agriculture Research Center, Giza, Egypt

Pub. Date: March 20, 2022

Cite this paper:
Nahed M M Atta, Mohamed F AL-Okaby and Christina S F Shenouda. Changes in Sensory Attributes of Avocado Fruits and Quality of Their Oils during Storage at Ambient Temperature. American Journal of Food Science and Technology. 2022; 10(1):42-48. doi: 10.12691/ajfst-10-1-6


Fuerte, Ettinger and Bacon avocados varieties were stored at ambient temperature (24-28°C) for seven days to determine the changes in physio – chemical properties, fatty acid composition, atherogenic index (AI), COX and PI factors oxidative as predicting oxidative stability, total poly phenols, total tocopherols, chlorophyll and carotenoid contents of extracted oil from their pulps and also to evaluation of sensory attributes for them and compared with those of fresh avocado fruits at harvest time (as a control samples). The obtained results indicated that; values of FFA, PV, K230 and K270 nm and IV were increased, but values of color and % UNS decreased in extracted oils from the pulp of stored avocado fruits at ambient temperature compared with those in oil from fresh ones. There was no remarkable difference between oils from fresh and stored avocados in fatty acid composition, AI, COX and PI factors. Total polyphenols, total tocopherols, chlorophyll and carotenoid contents recorded a higher decrease in oil from avocados stored at atmospheric temperature compared with that of oils from fresh avocados. Stored avocado fruits had higher values from hardness in mouth, creamy, nutty and eating quality attributes compared with fresh avocados and vice versa for the grassy attribute.

avocados storage physicochemical properties antioxidant fatty acid composition sensory attributes

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