American Journal of Food and Nutrition
ISSN (Print): 2374-1155 ISSN (Online): 2374-1163 Website: Editor-in-chief: Mihalis Panagiotidis
Open Access
Journal Browser

Content: Volume 10, Issue 2

Open AccessArticle
Knowledge of Breastfeeding Practices for Infants Aged 0 to 6 Months from the Municipality of Abobo (Abidjan, Ivory Coast)
American Journal of Food and Nutrition. 2022, 10(2), 40-44. DOI: 10.12691/ajfn-10-2-1
Pub. Date: August 07, 2022Views: 2452Downloads: 2629
Open AccessArticle
Study of the Biochemical and Phytochemical Composition of Carapa procera (Meliaceae) Almonds from the Côte d'Ivoire Center
American Journal of Food and Nutrition. 2022, 10(2), 45-49. DOI: 10.12691/ajfn-10-2-2
Pub. Date: August 14, 2022Views: 2397Downloads: 2587
Open AccessArticle
Assessment of the Nutritional Status and Eating Habits of Pregnant Women in Rural Areas (Case of the City of Man)
American Journal of Food and Nutrition. 2022, 10(2), 50-56. DOI: 10.12691/ajfn-10-2-3
Pub. Date: August 23, 2022Views: 3823Downloads: 5389
Open AccessArticle
Nutritional Assessment of Aiélé (Canarium schweinfurthii) and Refined Palm (Elaeis guineensis) Oils in Wistar Strain Rats (Rattus norvegicus)
American Journal of Food and Nutrition. 2022, 10(2), 57-64. DOI: 10.12691/ajfn-10-2-4
Pub. Date: September 20, 2022Views: 2419Downloads: 4500