Journal of Food Security
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Journal of Food Security. 2020, 8(2), 38-42
DOI: 10.12691/jfs-8-2-1
Open AccessArticle

Bacteriological Quality of Meat Sold in Markets and Kiosks before and after Cooking in Bamako

ADAMOU Mohamadou1, , SANOGO Moussa2, SAMAKE Fassé1, OUEDRAGO Mariam Adja3, OUATTARA Yaya1 and KANTE Adama1

1Institute of Applied Sciences / University of Technical Sciences and Technology of Bamako

2Faculty of Medicine of Pharmacy and Odonto-Stomatology / University of Technical Sciences and Technologies of Bamako

3Institute for Research in Health Sciences / Department of Biomedical and Public Health (Burkina Faso)

Pub. Date: May 06, 2020

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ADAMOU Mohamadou, SANOGO Moussa, SAMAKE Fassé, OUEDRAGO Mariam Adja, OUATTARA Yaya and KANTE Adama. Bacteriological Quality of Meat Sold in Markets and Kiosks before and after Cooking in Bamako. Journal of Food Security. 2020; 8(2):38-42. doi: 10.12691/jfs-8-2-1


The bacterial loads of meat sold in markets and kiosks in Bamako before and after cooking have been determined. In these meats, total aerobic mesophilic flora, fecal coliforms, sulphate-reducing anaerobic germs, staphylococci and Salmonella were searched and counted. In market, raw meats, concentrations of total aerobic mesophilic flora, fecal coliforms, sulphate-reducing anaerobic germs and staphylococci were above the set limits. In raw meats from markets, the initial average concentrations determined were 21.67.105CFU/g; 6.30.102CFU/g; 4.36.102CFU/g and 3.90.102CFU/g respectively for total aerobic mesophilic flora, fecal coliforms, staphylococci and sulphate-reducing anaerobic germs. Salmonella was found in 66.67% of raw meat samples. However, after cooking, the average loads of all bacteria were below the limit values. In raw meat samples from kiosks, the average concentrations determined were 2.95.105CFU/g; 3.45.102CFU/g; 2.30.102CFU/g and 4.70.102CFU/g respectively for total aerobic mesophilic flora, fecal coliforms, staphylococci and sulphate-reducing anaerobic germs. Salmonella was found in 33.33% of these meats samples. After cooking meat from kiosks, the average concentrations were 0.45.105CFU/g; 0.87.102CFU/g and 0.83.102CFU/g respectively for total aerobic mesophilic flora, staphylococci and sulfito-reducing anaerobic germs. Fecal coliforms and Salmonella were not found after cooked meats from the kiosks. The loads of bacteria from the meat samples from the kiosks were greatly reduced by cooking more than those of meat taken at the market level. Cooking reduced microbial loads to acceptable values. The bacterial load of meat from the markets in Bamako is very high, so it is wise and much preferable to buy the meats in safe places such as kiosks and eat them only after a very good cooking in order to guarantee the good health of consumers in Bamako.

quality Bacteriology meat market kiosk cooking Bamako

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