American Journal of Nanomaterials
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American Journal of Nanomaterials. 2020, 8(1), 48-57
DOI: 10.12691/ajn-8-1-5
Open AccessArticle

Fate of Nano Soil Particles and Their Influence on Geotechnical and Physiochemical Properties of Sandy Soil

Ayman Amin1, Hassan A. Z. A.2, Rania A. El-bialy2 and Abdel Wahab M. Mahmoud1,

1Cairo University, Faculty of Agriculture, Plant Physiology Division, Giza, Egypt

2Agriculture Research Center, Soil, Water& Environment Institute, Giza, Egypt

Pub. Date: November 26, 2020

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Ayman Amin, Hassan A. Z. A., Rania A. El-bialy and Abdel Wahab M. Mahmoud. Fate of Nano Soil Particles and Their Influence on Geotechnical and Physiochemical Properties of Sandy Soil. American Journal of Nanomaterials. 2020; 8(1):48-57. doi: 10.12691/ajn-8-1-5


Laboratory study was conducted to estimate the effectiveness of geotechnical and physio-chemical properties of sandy soil stabilized mixed with nano-fine sandy soil particles. The specimens’ soils were brought together at Ismailia province. Then, through high energy milling process -soil specimens as Nano size were derived powdering process of specimens. Due to the incomplete quantity produced from the powdering process, various percentages (1%, 12%, 3% and 4%) as Nano specimens were added to experiment. The different rates of specimens as Nano size added in sandy soil have suitable moistness at supreme soil density (dry soil). The result shows that the addition of various percentages of Nano-soil particles to sandy land enhanced property of shear strength; particles strength and compressive strong suit of become stable sandy soil. Also data illustrated that the Atterberg limits of sandy soil stabilized using nano-soil were augmented compared to the control treatment. The augmentation of the electrical conductivity of the sandy soil using nano fine soil as filler allows the potential for use it as soil conditioner technologies. Sandy soil treated by nano fine soil cause a valuable augmentation in the electrical characteristics, tensile strength and thermal stability of sandy soil. In addition, soil hydro physical properties of sandy soil were improved by nano fine sandy soil application. In conclusion, applied various percentages of Nano-specimens gave a vital starring role to improve and boosted the geotechnical, hydro physical and dielectric and electrical investigation properties of sandy soils. The result shows that the addition of 1, 2, 3 and 4% nano-soil particles to sandy soil enhanced the property of shear strength, soil strength and compressive strength of stabilized sandy soil. Also the data showed that the Atterberg limits of sandy soil stabilized using nano-soil were augmented compared to the control treatment. The augmentation of the electrical conductivity of the sandy soil using nano fine soil as filler allows the potential for use it as soil conditioner technologies. Sandy soil treated by nano fine soil cause a valuable augmentation in the electrical characteristics, tensile strength and thermal stability of sandy soil. In addition, soil hydro physical properties of sandy soil were improved by nano fine sandy soil application. In conclusion, applied small amount of nano-soil has a major role to recover and enhanced the geotechnical, hydro physical and dielectric and electrical investigation properties of sandy soils.

sandy soil soil stabilization nano-soil particles dielectric investigations

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