American Journal of Food Science and Technology
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American Journal of Food Science and Technology. 2017, 5(5), 220-227
DOI: 10.12691/ajfst-5-5-8
Open AccessArticle

Impact of Soaking Period and Drying Temperature on the Pasting Properties of Ogi Produced from Some Selected Maize Varieties

Bolaji O.T.1, , Abegunde T.A1, Praise-Ofuani-Oyinloye O.C1, Fashakin J.F2 and Apotiola Z.O.1

1Department of Food Technology, Lagos state Polytechnic Ikorodu Lagos

2Department of Hospitality management Technology, Lagos state Polytechnic Ikorodu Lagos

Pub. Date: October 26, 2017

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Bolaji O.T., Abegunde T.A, Praise-Ofuani-Oyinloye O.C, Fashakin J.F and Apotiola Z.O.. Impact of Soaking Period and Drying Temperature on the Pasting Properties of Ogi Produced from Some Selected Maize Varieties. American Journal of Food Science and Technology. 2017; 5(5):220-227. doi: 10.12691/ajfst-5-5-8


Impact of some processing conditions on pasting behaviour of ogi from six maize varieties soaked for 12, 24 and 36 hours and dried at 40, 50 and 60°C, respectively was evaluated. There were significant differences (p<0.05) in the pH and pasting values of ogi from all the maize varieties. High values of peak viscosities were recorded for ogi dried at 50°C irrespective of the soaking periods. Ogi from S7Y at 12th hour of soaking had it peak viscosities increased with increase in drying temperature. Similar trend was recorded for trough viscosity of ogi from A5W at 36th hour of soaking while a contrary trend was observed for breakdown viscosity of ogi at 24 and 36th hours of soaking, respectively. Highest setback viscosity of 1110.00cp was obtained at 12th hour of soaking and drying temperature of 40°C. The impact of drying temperature and starch components were more evident compared with varying soaking period of maize on ogi.

ogi soaking period drying pasting viscosity

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