American Journal of Food Science and Technology
ISSN (Print): 2333-4827 ISSN (Online): 2333-4835 Website: Editor-in-chief: Hyo Choi
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American Journal of Food Science and Technology. 2016, 4(5), 129-134
DOI: 10.12691/ajfst-4-5-2
Open AccessArticle

Utilization of Brown Rice Flour and Peanut Paste in Cake Production

Asimah V.K.1, Kpodo F.M.1, , Adzinyo O.A1 and Dzah C.S1

1Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Faculty of Applied Sciences and Technology, Ho Polytechnic, Ho, Ghana

Pub. Date: July 14, 2016

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Asimah V.K., Kpodo F.M., Adzinyo O.A and Dzah C.S. Utilization of Brown Rice Flour and Peanut Paste in Cake Production. American Journal of Food Science and Technology. 2016; 4(5):129-134. doi: 10.12691/ajfst-4-5-2


Interest in gluten free and partially replaced wheat products have increased in recent years, hence the need for ingredients that can replace wheat in bakery products without compromising sensory and textural characteristics. The study evaluated the effect of partially and totally substituting wheat flour and margarine with brown rice flour and peanut paste on the sensory, nutritional and textural characteristics of the cake formulations. Total substitution of wheat flour with brown rice flour, and margarine with peanut paste was to produce a gluten free product with increased nutritional value. The study followed a 2 x 2 factorial design with replacement of wheat flour by brown rice flour (partially and totally) and replacement of margarine with peanut paste (partially and totally) as factors. Cake products with partially replaced margarine rated better in taste and overall acceptability than formulations in which margarine was totally replaced with peanut paste. However the gluten free formulation with high peanut proteins had higher sensory scores for texture confirmed by results for springiness, cohesiveness and resilience. Total replacement of margarine with peanut paste significantly increased crumb hardness of cake products. The crumb hardness, cohesiveness and springiness of the cake product (B) with total margarine replacement with peanut paste but partial wheat replacement with brown rice flour was not statistically different from the control. The peanut substituted brown rice cake products had significantly higher protein, fat and fibre content than the control product. Partial and total replacement of margarine with peanut paste and wheat with brown rice flour in cake formulations notably influenced the sensory, texture and nutritional characteristics of the products.

gluten free product brown rice cake peanut cake partial wheat substitute sensory characteristics texture characteristics proximate characteristics

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