American Journal of Food Science and Technology
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American Journal of Food Science and Technology. 2015, 3(2), 33-39
DOI: 10.12691/ajfst-3-2-2
Open AccessArticle

Effect of Starch Type on the Physicochemical and Textural Properties of Beef Patties Formulated with Local Spices

P. D. Mbougueng1, , D. Tenin1, C. Tchiégang2 and J. Scher3

1Department of Process Engineering, National School of Agro-Industrial Sciences, University of Ngaoundéré, Ngaoundéré, Cameroon

2Department of Food Engineering and Quality Control, University Institute of Technology, University of Ngaoundéré, Ngaoundéré, Cameroon

3Laboratory of Biomolecular Engineering, Lorraine University, Nancy, France

Pub. Date: April 12, 2015

Cite this paper:
P. D. Mbougueng, D. Tenin, C. Tchiégang and J. Scher. Effect of Starch Type on the Physicochemical and Textural Properties of Beef Patties Formulated with Local Spices. American Journal of Food Science and Technology. 2015; 3(2):33-39. doi: 10.12691/ajfst-3-2-2


This study was aimed at evaluating the effect of local potato and cassava starch on the proximate compositions, physicochemical and textural properties of beef patties. The control patty (Pcontrol) was prepared with commercial Leader priceTM potato starch incorporated at 50g/kg of ground meat, while other patties were formulated with starch from two local potatoes (Sipiera and Tselefou) and tree local cassava varieties (2524, 4115 and Seedling) during which 20, 30, 40 and 50g starch /kg of ground meat was used.The results showed that moisture content varied according to starch type and starch quantity for both raw and cooked patties. Water contents of cooked patties were lower than their corresponding raw ones. The same trend was not observed for protein and fat contents of cooked patties. Starch content significantly affected the water holding capacity of raw patties (P<0.05) and for cooked patties, cooking yield was improved (P<0.05) at the lowest starch incorporation rate (20%) irrespective of the starch type. Patty prepared with Seedling starch at incorporation rate of 40g/kg of batter (PS40) is the most similar to the control one.

Beef patties potato starch cassava starch physicochemical and textural properties

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