American Journal of Food Science and Technology
ISSN (Print): 2333-4827 ISSN (Online): 2333-4835 Website: Editor-in-chief: Hyo Choi
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American Journal of Food Science and Technology. 2019, 7(1), 1-6
DOI: 10.12691/ajfst-7-1-1
Open AccessArticle

Soybean (Glycine Max): Alternative Sources of Human Nutrition and Bioenergy for the 21st Century

Ishrar Islam1, Z. Adam2 and Shahidul Islam2,

1Hendrix College, 1600 Washington Ave, Conway, AR 72032, USA

2Department Agriculture, University of Arkansas -Pine Bluff, 1200 North University Drive, Mail Slot 4913,153 Woodard Hall. Pine Bluff, AR 71601, USA

Pub. Date: January 07, 2019

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Ishrar Islam, Z. Adam and Shahidul Islam. Soybean (Glycine Max): Alternative Sources of Human Nutrition and Bioenergy for the 21st Century. American Journal of Food Science and Technology. 2019; 7(1):1-6. doi: 10.12691/ajfst-7-1-1


Finding the nutritional value in soybeans is essential for keeping commodities at a low price while remaining conscious about people's health. This experiment brings into question whether it would be beneficial to consume soybeans more often and focus on the nutritional aspects of them, as well as the bioenergy benefits it provides. Therefore, the amounts of nutritional elements such as lipids, fatty acids, polyphenols, antioxidants, and soluble fibers tested within different varieties of soybeans. The highest phenolic content was in AS GROW 4754, followed by AS GROW 4632. The antioxidant capacity ranged from 2.35 3.44 µg/g of TEAC per 100g dry sample. The antioxidant activity follows as: AS GROW 4632> AS GROW 4754> AS GROW 4835. AS GROW 14632. AS GROWAG 4934. The Protein content ranges from 34.1 to 44.9 (%). The highest total protein was in AS GROW AG 4934, followed by AS GROW 4632, AS GROW 4754, AS GROW 4835 and AS GROW 14632. The lipid content ranges from 20.8 to 30.8 (%). The highest was in AG GROW 4835, and the lowest was in AS GROW 4632. Eight different fatty acids were found in the soybean. The Linoleic acid was found the predominant fatty acid 54%0 followed by Oleic acid (21%) and Palmitic acid (11%). The Behenic and Eicosenic acids found as trace amounts in soybean. Therefore, consumption of soybeans is beneficial but should also be incorporated within an overall healthy lifestyle. The difference in biomass and cell-wall components of five Arkansas grown soybean varieties examined to find out accessions that exhibited quality traits suitable for a potential bioenergy/biofuel crop. The Hemi-cellulose (HCE), cellulose (CE) and ASH contents ranged 14–30 %, 8-18 % and 1-3 % of the DM, respectively. The results showed that the NDF% ranged from 28 to 47, and ADF% ranged from 22-32. The extensive range of distinction in biomass and cell wall components point out that soybean has great potential for use as bioenergy/biofuel crops. The hypothesis was correct according to the results of the experiment, where several varieties showed high contents within all sources of nutritional value. The high amounts of cell-wall components between its species and in comparison to other bioenergy crops as well. The extensive range of distinction in biomass and cell wall components point out that soybean has great potential for use for multiple uses such as human food and nutrition, oil, energy, and biofuel potentials.

soybean human nutrition soluble fiber fatty acids bioenergy biofuel

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