Guest Editor
Maho Yalen Edson
Higher Teachers Training College of the University of Yaounde I, Cameroon
Nzweundji Germo Justine
Institute of Medical Research and studies of Medicinal Plants (Ministry of Scientific Research and Innovation), Cameroon; Exchange scholar Alabama A&M University, USA
The aim of this special issue titled Biosciences, Agriculture and Integrated Crop Protection (BAICP) of Research in Plant Sciences Journal is to enhance health, food security and safety by giving an opportunity to researchers to showcase their experiences and results that portray various bioscience approaches and techniques applied in plant regeneration and agriculture especially to develop, regenerate, improve or protect food crops and medicinal plants. The manuscripts submitted must be original, have not been published and are not going to be considered for publication elsewhere. Authors should certify that neither the manuscript nor its main content have already been published or submitted for publication in another journal and that, if the manuscript will be accepted, it will not be published elsewhere in the same form without the written permission of Research in Plant Sciences Journal.
The special issue intends to publish papers dealing with all aspects of agriculture, crop protection and medicinal plants. Articles must present information that provides scientific or technological advancement in the specific field of interest of the journal (Instructions to authors at: and enhance its strong international reputation.
BAICP will publish original research articles, review articles, short communications and technical notes on all aspects of agricultural sciences especially those related to crop protection and medicinal plants.
Import Dates & Submit
Important dates
Submission Deadline: November 30, 2014
Notification of Acceptance: December 31, 2014
Final Version Due: January 31, 2015
Special Issue Publishing Date: February 25, 2015
Submit your article now
Manuscripts should be submitted as an attached file to an e-mail directed to the Chief Guest Editor, Godswill Ntsomboh Ntsefong at the address: <>