American Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics
ISSN (Print): 2328-7306 ISSN (Online): 2328-7292 Website: Editor-in-chief: Mohamed Seddeek
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Special Issue "Application and Future Scope of Fundamental Mathematical and Computational Sciences in Engineering & Technology"

A special issue of American Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics (ISSN 2328-7292).

Special Issue Editors

Chief Guest Editor

Prof. Vishwa Nath Maurya
The University of Fiji, Fiji
Technical University, India

Guest Editor

Prof. Ram Bilas Misra
State University of New York, Republic of Korea
Dr. R.M.L. Avadh University, Faizabad, U.P. India

Prof. Bijay Singh
Punjab Agricultural University, India

Prof. Chandra K. Jaggi
University of Delhi, New Delhi, India

Avadhesh Kumar Maurya
Gautam Buddha Technical University, Lucknow, U.P., India

Special Issue Information

Fundamental mathematics and statistics are used by the great majority of the workforce, without their thinking of themselves in any way as mathematicians or statisticians. Recent study of Massey University estimated that more than 85% of the New Zealand work force is involved in simple forms of measurement and estimation, more than 67% is involved in some form of data collection and interpretation, and over 50% is responsible for some form of inventory or money management. Similar data can be found in other Asian, European and African countries of the world. Usually, the mathematical activity is restricted to well-defined tasks - computations, measurements, plotting and interpretation of simple graphs - carried out on a routine basis, without the person doing the work being able easily to modify their task in response to changing circumstances. Most of the tasks would be within the scope of the regular school programme. There is then a very wide spectrum of mathematical tasks embedded into different professional fields, for example, finance and accounting, engineering science and architecture technology, business and management, agriculture, medicine, physical, biological and social sciences, etc. Almost universally, the computations for these tasks are no longer handled manually, but are coded into different types of software - spreadsheets, statistical packages, purpose-built packages for computer-aided design, inventory control, forecasting etc. The mathematical skills are required not in operating the computer terminal, but in interpreting the output, checking that requirements on input data are properly satisfied, understanding the things that can go wrong, adapting the use of the software to the particular requirements of the problem at hand. At the less mathematical end of the spectrum, the persons undertaking these tasks may not be easily able updating the procedures they use to cope with new or changing circumstances. At the more mathematical end, the persons may spend much of their time developing such modifications or guiding and advising less confident staff. As in any professional task in the field of medical science, agricultural science, engineering science and technology, the value and quality of the service provided depends greatly on the quality of the evaluator/estimator and the perspective they are able to bring to the problem as a result of their background knowledge and experience. In this respect, the mathematical training of the staff concerned may vary from, at the lower end, a university service course on basic mathematics or statistics, topped up by specific applications courses in the subject area, to, at the upper end, a full masters degree or higher in one of the mathematical sciences.

Finally, there is a logical consistency in which virtually all major scientific and technological advances have required appropriate mathematical tools or theories for their development. At some stage, these tools or theories were themselves the subject of independent mathematical research.

It is highly expected that the information and exploration of significant results gained through the present special issue will contribute to the world economy, and the following factors likely to affect their role in the future:

• The most important role of mathematics is in underpinning almost all activities in a modern society of science & technology. It operates at many levels and extends across all socio-economic sectors.

• To find a high general level of quantitative literacy; care for data quality and integrity in both public and private sectors;

• To find adequate mathematical expertise available for proper advice and interpretation of quantitative software, and the development, interpretation, and application of quantitative models;

• To recognize that proper uses of computer software and packages for complex or high-consequence analyses requires sound professional kn

Special Issue Topics

About the issue

The scope of topics covered in the this issue include:

  • • Probability Theory and Statistics
  • • Statistical Inference
  • • Population Studies
  • • Statistical Survey and Sampling Techniques
  • • Pure and Applied Mathematics
  • • Mathematical Physics
  • • Differential Geometry
  • • Mathematical and Statistical Methods
  • • Modeling and Simulation Techniques
  • • Optimization Techniques
  • • Linear and nonlinear Programming
  • • Integer Programming
  • • Goal Programming
  • • Quadratic Programming and Related Topics
  • • Multi-objective Optimization
  • • Network Optimization
  • • Inventory Control
  • • Supply Chain Management
  • • Queueing control
  • • Non-differentiable Optimization
  • • Operations Research
  • • Optimal design and Control
  • • Parallel Optimization Algorithms
  • • Artificial Intelligence
  • • Fractional Programming
  • • General Constrained Optimization
  • • Stochastic Optimization
  • • Systems for Optimization
  • • Reliability Analysis
  • • Fuzzy Logic
  • • Basic and Advanced Computing
  • • Computer Science & Engineering

Import Dates & Submit

Important dates

Submission Deadline: November 10, 2014
Notification of Acceptance: November 30, 2014
Final Version Due: December 15, 2014
Special Issue Publishing Date: December 30, 2014

Submit your article now

Manuscripts should be submitted as an attached file to an e-mail directed to the Chief Guest Editor, Prof. Vishwa Nath Maurya at the address: <,>

Published Papers (4 Papers)

Open AccessResearch Article
Generating Certain Class of Real Sequences Using Gamma Function, Arithmetic and Geometric Progressions
American Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics. 2014, 2(6A), 1-5. DOI: 10.12691/ajams-2-6A-1
Pub. Date: November 21, 2014
Open AccessResearch Article
Statistical Analysis on the Rate of Kidney (Renal) Failure
American Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics. 2014, 2(6A), 6-12. DOI: 10.12691/ajams-2-6A-2
Pub. Date: November 21, 2014
Open AccessResearch Article
The Approximate Method for Solving the Boundary Integral Equations of the Problem of Wave Scattering by Superconducting Lattice
American Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics. 2014, 2(6A), 13-19. DOI: 10.12691/ajams-2-6A-3
Pub. Date: November 21, 2014
Open AccessResearch Article
Assessing Chinese Commercial Bank Technical Efficiency Using Parametric Hyperbolic Distance Function Approach
American Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics. 2014, 2(6A), 20-25. DOI: 10.12691/ajams-2-6A-4
Pub. Date: November 21, 2014