World Journal of Analytical Chemistry
ISSN (Print): 2333-1178 ISSN (Online): 2333-1283 Website: Editor-in-chief: Raluca-Ioana Stefan-van Staden
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Top Artiles

Open AccessArticleTop Artiles
Solid Phase Extraction, Preconcentration and Sequential Separation of U(VI), Th(IV), La(III) and Ce(III) by Octa-O-methoxy resorcin[4]arene based Amberlite XAD-4 Chelating Resin
World Journal of Analytical Chemistry. 2014, 2(2), 31-41. DOI: 10.12691/wjac-2-2-3
Pub. Date: November 05, 2014Views: 30508Downloads: 26501Citations: 2
Open AccessArticleTop Artiles
Health Risk Assessment for Exposure to Some Selected Heavy Metals via Drinking Water from Dadinkowa Dam and River Gombe Abba in Gombe State, Northeast Nigeria
World Journal of Analytical Chemistry. 2016, 4(1), 1-5. DOI: 10.12691/wjac-4-1-1
Pub. Date: March 09, 2016Views: 18139Downloads: 15419Citations: 3
Open AccessArticleTop Artiles
Heavy Metals Contamination Profile in Soil from Automobile Workshops in Sapele, Nigeria
World Journal of Analytical Chemistry. 2016, 4(2), 26-28. DOI: 10.12691/wjac-4-2-3
Pub. Date: August 11, 2016Views: 24294Downloads: 22536