Global Journal of Surgery
ISSN (Print): 2379-8742 ISSN (Online): 2379-8750 Website: Editor-in-chief: Baki Topal
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Top Artiles

Open AccessArticleTop Artiles
Does Ambulatory Care Clinic Follow-up Improve the Acute Cholecystectomy Service at a DGH?
Global Journal of Surgery. 2016, 4(1), 1-4. DOI: 10.12691/js-4-1-1
Pub. Date: March 12, 2016Views: 15684Downloads: 14306
Open AccessArticleTop Artiles
Surgical Management of Intestinal Tuberculosis in Preoperatively Unsuspected Cases at a Tertiary Care Hospital in Dhaka City
Global Journal of Surgery. 2017, 5(1), 11-13. DOI: 10.12691/js-5-1-4
Pub. Date: July 21, 2017Views: 11971Downloads: 9967
Open AccessArticleTop Artiles
Extracapsular Dissection versus Superficial Parotidectomy for Treatment of Benign Parotid Tumors
Global Journal of Surgery. 2015, 3(2), 27-30. DOI: 10.12691/js-3-2-3
Pub. Date: October 15, 2015Views: 17161Downloads: 14458Citations: 3
Open AccessArticleTop Artiles
Perception of Body Image and Biopsychosocial Satisfaction of Obese People after Bariatric Surgery
Global Journal of Surgery. 2016, 4(1), 12-14. DOI: 10.12691/js-4-1-4
Pub. Date: December 03, 2016Views: 13464Downloads: 11996
Open AccessArticleTop Artiles
The Study of Diagnostic Value of Placental Growth Factor for Predicting Pre-eclampsia in the First Trimester of Pregnancy
Global Journal of Surgery. 2014, 2(1), 12-15. DOI: 10.12691/js-2-1-4
Pub. Date: March 16, 2014Views: 19538Downloads: 14611Citations: 1
Open AccessArticleTop Artiles
pH Of Wound Fluids Treated Using Coffee Powder and Bacitracin-Neomycin Powder
Global Journal of Surgery. 2016, 4(1), 9-11. DOI: 10.12691/js-4-1-3
Pub. Date: November 03, 2016Views: 17916Downloads: 15777