Global Journal of Surgery
ISSN (Print): 2379-8742 ISSN (Online): 2379-8750 Website: Editor-in-chief: Baki Topal
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Global Journal of Surgery. 2016, 4(1), 12-14
DOI: 10.12691/js-4-1-4
Open AccessArticle

Perception of Body Image and Biopsychosocial Satisfaction of Obese People after Bariatric Surgery

Dalia M. El Sakka1, , Jehad O. Albitar2, Adulhakam A. Falemban3, Abrar A. Wazqar3 and Mohammad F. Qusty4

1Department of Plastic Surgery, Menoufia University, Egypt

2Intrnship, Umm Al-Qura University, Makkah, KSA

3Primary Health Care, Ministry of Health, Makkah, KSA

4Internship, Ibn Sina National College, Jeddah, KSA

Pub. Date: December 03, 2016

Cite this paper:
Dalia M. El Sakka, Jehad O. Albitar, Adulhakam A. Falemban, Abrar A. Wazqar and Mohammad F. Qusty. Perception of Body Image and Biopsychosocial Satisfaction of Obese People after Bariatric Surgery. Global Journal of Surgery. 2016; 4(1):12-14. doi: 10.12691/js-4-1-4


Background: Obesity is a worldwide health problem, affecting both developed and developing countries. It may necessitate bariatric surgery. Excessive weight loss following the bariatric surgery may result in an excess of lax, overstretched skin mainly over the abdomen that may lead to overhanging of the abdominal skin causing physical discomfort that may negatively affecting the body image' perception and bio-psycho-social well-being of the patients. Objectives: The study was conducted to examine the effect of abdominoplasty following bariatric surgery on the bio-psycho-social well-being and patient satisfaction. Methods: Body image perception and patient satisfaction of a sample of 52 obese patients subjected to abdominoplasty following bariatric surgery (20 laparoscopic gastric plications and 32 laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy) were measured by the Obesity Psychological State and Satisfaction Questionnaires. The mean age of participants was 39-year old (range19-55year). Results: Post-bariatric abdominoplasty resulted in a significant improvement of patient satisfaction at a mean interval of 24 months between weight loss and abdominoplasty procedure. Conclusions: This study showed that post bariatric abdominoplasty as a single body contouring procedure results in a significant improvement in overall body image' perception, self-esteem, and self-concept. Post-bariatric abdominoplasty should be incorporated in a multidisciplinary care program following weight loss surgery in the morbidly obese patients. These improvements are most consistent with weight loss and subsequent sequelae.

quality body image bariatric surgery

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