American Journal of Applied Psychology
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American Journal of Applied Psychology. 2015, 3(1), 15-21
DOI: 10.12691/ajap-3-1-4
Open AccessArticle

Gender Role Perception among the Awra Amba Community

Seid Ebrie1,

1Department of Psychology, College of Social Sciences and Languages, Mekelle University, Mekelle, Ethiopia

Pub. Date: March 03, 2015

Cite this paper:
Seid Ebrie. Gender Role Perception among the Awra Amba Community. American Journal of Applied Psychology. 2015; 3(1):15-21. doi: 10.12691/ajap-3-1-4


The objective of this study was to discover the influence of age and sex on gender role perception of the Awra Amba community. For this purpose, a total of 180 participants (from 403 total Awra Amba population), 60 from three age groups (children, adolescents and adults), 30 from two sex groups (male and female) were selected by using stratified random sampling method. Two different instruments (Personal Attribute Questionnaire and Social Role Questionnaire) were adapted and pilot tested. For data analysis, descriptive statistics, One-Way ANOVA and independent t-test were employed. In relation to the major findings, there is a statistically significant difference in gender role perception among the Awra Amba children, adolescents and adults. While children hold stereotypic and traditional gender role perception, adolescents and adults demonstrate androgynous and egalitarian gender role perception. Besides, egalitarian and non-traditional gender role perception increases with age in the Awra Amba community when one grows older from childhood to adolescence and adulthood. Finally, there was no statistically significant difference between the Awra Amba males and females in gender role perception. Both males’ and females’ gender role perception is androgynous and egalitarian or non-traditional.

Awra Amba gender gender role perception

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