World Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
ISSN (Print): 2474-1426 ISSN (Online): 2474-1434 Website: Editor-in-chief: Apply for this position
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Content: Volume 5, Issue 2

Open AccessArticle
The Morality of Being Human in Family Relationships Expressed by Vietnamese Proverbs and Folk Songs
World Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities. 2019, 5(2), 62-70. DOI: 10.12691/wjssh-5-2-1
Pub. Date: June 13, 2019Views: 6344Downloads: 5524
Open AccessArticle
Evaluation of Exam Cheating state in Kenyan Schools: A Follow-Up of Work on Cheating in Exams in Masaba Sub County 2013, Kisii County
World Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities. 2019, 5(2), 71-75. DOI: 10.12691/wjssh-5-2-2
Pub. Date: July 04, 2019Views: 6705Downloads: 5162
Open AccessArticle
A Comparative Study of China and EU Aid Policies to Africa in the 21st Century: Will Trilateral Cooperation Increase Aid Effectiveness?
World Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities. 2019, 5(2), 76-83. DOI: 10.12691/wjssh-5-2-3
Pub. Date: July 17, 2019Views: 6737Downloads: 6845
Open AccessArticle
Extent of ICT Facilities Utilization and Proficiency in the Colleges of Education in Ghana
World Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities. 2019, 5(2), 84-91. DOI: 10.12691/wjssh-5-2-4
Pub. Date: July 22, 2019Views: 9892Downloads: 10236
Open AccessArticle
Open Defecation Practice and Its Implications in Sub-Saharan Africa
World Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities. 2019, 5(2), 92-100. DOI: 10.12691/wjssh-5-2-5
Pub. Date: July 26, 2019Views: 7503Downloads: 7168
Open AccessArticle
Examination of Teachers’ Strategies for Enhancing the Participation of Pupils with Disabilities in Selected Pilot Inclusive Schools in South Tongu District
World Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities. 2019, 5(2), 101-110. DOI: 10.12691/wjssh-5-2-6
Pub. Date: July 28, 2019Views: 10652Downloads: 10637
Open AccessArticle
Child Labour Regulations in International Law and Indian Legislations: A Survey
World Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities. 2019, 5(2), 111-119. DOI: 10.12691/wjssh-5-2-7
Pub. Date: August 02, 2019Views: 5764Downloads: 5904