Journal of Innovations in Teaching and Learning
ISSN (Print): ISSN Pending ISSN (Online): 2945-4638 Website: Editor-in-chief: Laila S. Lomibao
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Journal of Innovations in Teaching and Learning. 2023, 3(1), 45-53
DOI: 10.12691/jitl-3-1-9
Open AccessArticle

Enhancing the Performance and Interest of Physics Learners in Kinematics Through the Application of Problem-Solving Techniques and Regular Classroom Tests at Swedru Senior High School

Victor Antwi1,

1Department of Physics Education, University of Education, Winneba, Ghana

Pub. Date: October 07, 2023

Cite this paper:
Victor Antwi. Enhancing the Performance and Interest of Physics Learners in Kinematics Through the Application of Problem-Solving Techniques and Regular Classroom Tests at Swedru Senior High School. Journal of Innovations in Teaching and Learning. 2023; 3(1):45-53. doi: 10.12691/jitl-3-1-9


Most Ghanaian physics students’ performance in kinematics has been on the decline. Physics students in Senior High Schools in the Central Region are no exception. In this study, problem-solving techniques and routine classroom assessment were employed to improve Swedru Senior High School Physics students’ performance and their interest in kinematics and physics at large. There were 53 participants in the research; 26 females and 27 males. Convenient sampling was used in the selection of the class. The mean scores of the pre-test and post-test showed that the students' academic performance had been improved by the problem-solving and regular classroom test teaching strategies that were implemented during the intervention stage. This is evident in the comparison of the mean values (pre-intervention = 4.56 and post-intervention = 11.96). The study also revealed the effectiveness of the intervention in arousing students' interest in kinematics. Students found learning kinematics to be more fun with the intervention deployed. The study's findings suggest, among other things that, teaching challenging physics concepts at the senior high school in Ghana should include problem-solving techniques and classroom test methods.

Ghana problem-solving strategies regular classroom tests academic performance kinematics

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