Journal of Business and Management Sciences. 2017, 5(3), 72-76
DOI: 10.12691/jbms-5-3-1
Open AccessArticle
Ahmad Rizki Harahap1, , Dede Ruslan2 and Fitrawaty2
1Master Program, State University of Medan, Indonesia
2Faculty of Economics, State University of Medan, Indonesia
Pub. Date: August 12, 2017
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Ahmad Rizki Harahap, Dede Ruslan and Fitrawaty. The Influence of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty of Muamalat Bank Branches Tanjung Balai. Journal of Business and Management Sciences. 2017; 5(3):72-76. doi: 10.12691/jbms-5-3-1
The purpose of this research is to know whether there is a significant impact on the service quality to customer satisfaction and loyalty of the Bank Transactions Indonesia Tbk Branch of Tanjung Balai. The type of this research is quantitative with the help of the program SPSS v19. The results of the study showed that the value of F the table < value of F count of 70,653 with the level of significance of 0.000 < alpha = 0.05. It shows that the variable quality of service that has been found to give the impact of the variables. satisfaction effort 0,000 Value < 0.05. That figure means shows that there is a significant impact on the service quality to customer satisfaction. From the research result seen that the value of F the table < value of F count of 21,795 with the level of significance of 0.000 < alpha = 0.05. This shows that the quality of service that has been obtained the Bank transactions in Indonesia Tbk, branches of Tanjung Balai turns to give the impact of customer loyalty. The value of sig 0,000 < 0.05. That figure means shows that there is a significant impact on the quality of service to the customer loyalty. The influence of free variables and two variables bound is proved by the existence of the value of the sig on Y1 is 0,000 and value of sig on Y2 are 0.001. The values of both variables are bound > from the value of alpha = 0.05.Keywords:
service quality satisfaction customer loyalty
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