Journal of Business and Management Sciences
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Journal of Business and Management Sciences. 2014, 2(1), 1-9
DOI: 10.12691/jbms-2-1-1
Open AccessArticle

Supervisor Status, Health and Organizational Commitment: Mediating Role of Support and Family-friendly Policies among Information Technology Professionals in India

Kamala Ramadoss1, and Megan E. Lape2

1Department of Child and Family Studies, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, USA

2Central New York Psychiatric Center, Marcy, New York, USA

Pub. Date: March 04, 2014

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Kamala Ramadoss and Megan E. Lape. Supervisor Status, Health and Organizational Commitment: Mediating Role of Support and Family-friendly Policies among Information Technology Professionals in India. Journal of Business and Management Sciences. 2014; 2(1):1-9. doi: 10.12691/jbms-2-1-1


The purpose of this investigation was to examine the relationship between supervisor status on employees’ health and organizational commitment as well as to assess the mediating role of supervisor support and the availability and use of family-friendly policies among Information Technology (IT) professionals in India. Using snowball technique, 359 IT professionals were surveyed from four cities in South and Western India. Structural equation modeling was done and in the initial model, supervisor status was related to organizational commitment, but not employees’ health. The non-significant path was removed and the mediating variables were then included in the model. The model fit improved and was determined to be a good fit to the data. Supervisor status directly impacted two of the mediating variables - supervisor support and employees’ knowledge of family-friendly policies. The direct impact of supervisor status on employees’ organizational commitment was partially mediated by supervisor support. Moreover, supervisor support also directly impacted employees’ knowledge of family-friendly policies and employees’ organizational commitment. Employees’ knowledge of family-friendly policies directly impacted employees’ use of family-friendly policies and indirectly mediated the impact of supervisor status on employees’ use of family-friendly policies and the impact of supervisor support on policy use. Employees’ use of family-friendly policies directly and positively impacted employees’ health, and indirectly mediated the impact of employees’ knowledge of family-friendly policies on employees’ health.

work-family interface supervisor status supervisor support software professionals India

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