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American Journal of Educational Research. 2017, 5(10), 1044-1057
DOI: 10.12691/education-5-10-6
Open AccessArticle

National Libyan Public Education Reform: Entire Transformative Strategies, 2020-2026

Dr. Ageila Ali Elabbar1, 2,

1Original Position: Staff Member at the Faculty of Education, University of Benghazi, Libya

2Current Position: Academic & Cultural Attaché at the Embassy of Libya, Washington DC

Pub. Date: November 09, 2017

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Dr. Ageila Ali Elabbar. National Libyan Public Education Reform: Entire Transformative Strategies, 2020-2026. American Journal of Educational Research. 2017; 5(10):1044-1057. doi: 10.12691/education-5-10-6


Teachers and students are at the heart of education structure, interaction, and even innovation. Teachers are the conveyors of ideas and practices and the source of knowledge of their learners. Libyan teachers are fulfilling this role in a challenging context, because they are teaching students whose education process has been unstable for a long time. At the same time, teachers and students are in a difficult administrative situation. They are constrained, that is, the extent to which they can decide what they are going to do is limited because of the way things are decided in Libya. These constraints may come from several difficulties, such as current economical influences, discouraged forms of education, changeable curriculum, bureaucratic schools and university systems, conservative community, two generations of university teachers (old-generation teachers and new-generation teachers), and uncertain education policy. Other factors are the way learners used to learn (learning styles), and current political upheavals (civil war) that influenced the entire stability of the education in Libya and led to two ministries of education (east and west Libya). In other words, the entire Libyan education is affected by politics, culture, and administration factors for over 46 years. These issues have led to such complicated situations in all education sectors. Therefore, if the education status should be changed, six years of gradual reform phases may be required so that a new generation of students will start with the pre-kindergarten stage starting 2026. This idea is a result of several studies, including my PhD on the Libyan education context, which led to an insight on implementing complete reform approaches for the entire Libyan education. This ground-up process is called the National Libyan Public Education Reform. This paper will propose a framework of reforming Libyan education that considers the current situation, educators, and learners and is divided into three stages: to evaluate, prepare, modify, and introduce the new Libyan education in six years’ time.

transformational change curriculum and policy transformation new-generation school system wide contribution of educators bureaucracy transformation intensive teacher education strategies decentralizations of education continuing professional development approaches

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