American Journal of Educational Research. 2014, 2(12), 1199-1202
DOI: 10.12691/education-2-12-10
Open AccessArticle
Aiying Liang1, and Wenbin Xiao1
1Guangdong Science Center, Guangzhou, China
Pub. Date: December 08, 2014
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Aiying Liang and Wenbin Xiao. Research on Assessment of Children Educational Products. American Journal of Educational Research. 2014; 2(12):1199-1202. doi: 10.12691/education-2-12-10
Children’s educational products play an important role in enhancing children’s thinking, analytical and judgment abilities, flexibilities and creativity. However, so far there have been no effective assessment criteria for such products. The article proposes an innovative 3-level index system to assess educational products, which comprises 3 first-level indices, 9 second-level indices and some corresponding third-level indices on the basis of pedagogic, psychological and socialogical theories. The system puts forth specific requirements for qualified educational products in terms of educational effects and operating rules, etc., and incorporates the dimension of “age” to make assessment more operable and accurate.Keywords:
educational products assessment index educational effects
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