American Journal of Educational Research. 2022, 10(9), 523-528
DOI: 10.12691/education-10-9-2
Open AccessArticle
Ivo P. Janecka1,
1Foundation for Systems Research and Education, New York, NY, US
Pub. Date: September 05, 2022
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Ivo P. Janecka. Perceptional Reality and the War of 2022: Was It a Surprise?. American Journal of Educational Research. 2022; 10(9):523-528. doi: 10.12691/education-10-9-2
Background: The first two decades of 21st Century found major dominance of poor health in all global societies with consequential pandemic and war. It is a seeming enigma why so much physical and cognitive illness still exists while so much is known about human biologic systems. The purpose of this study is to explore the dilemma. Material/Method: Public domain records, related to biologic systems in health and disease, have been studied. Systems science methodology was used; it offered corresponding method for the examination of living systems in health/peace or war. Results/Conclusions: The perception of self, how we see ourselves and the world around us, the human perceptional reality, has a parallel influence on our decisions and relationships, and, in a feedback loop, impacts the state of health. It is not what the eye can see but how it is interpreted that affect the creative epigenome for health or disease. The combined outcome of ‘what you see and what you do’, especially on a global level, leads to the prevalence of similarly tainted global decisions-from poor health to pandemics and wars. A foundational positive shift in world’s affairs can only come from ever-increasing optimizing individual decisions, which would eventually diffuse up, from ‘people working in the trenches’ to the ‘governing vertical societal hierarchies’.Keywords:
reality relationships war health perception
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