American Journal of Educational Research
ISSN (Print): 2327-6126 ISSN (Online): 2327-6150 Website: Editor-in-chief: Ratko Pavlović
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American Journal of Educational Research. 2022, 10(1), 16-26
DOI: 10.12691/education-10-1-2
Open AccessArticle

The 2020 Pandemic and the Preceding Decades of Revelatory Evidence

Ivo P. Janecka1,

1Foundation for Systems Research and Education, New York, NY, US

Pub. Date: December 24, 2021

Cite this paper:
Ivo P. Janecka. The 2020 Pandemic and the Preceding Decades of Revelatory Evidence. American Journal of Educational Research. 2022; 10(1):16-26. doi: 10.12691/education-10-1-2


The 2020 pandemic suddenly emerged and left devastating consequences on global societies; the origin is still debated as are treatments and preventive steps. This research had a goal of extracting a common denominator for the disease dominance and find important preceding evidence for its rising pathogenicity, all through public domain records. Systems science, based on biologic principles, was used to identify patterns in extracted data, categorize them into either, unhealthy states of chaos and entropy, or a health territory; those classifications led to knowledge creation. The identified long-term evidence has been pointing to an unfavorable resolution of the unhealthy states of global societies. This study highlights the upstream etiology to this downstream disease that lie in the vanished individual health, propelled by the extraordinarily persistent separation of decision-consequences learning loop; it is only an individual who can extract meaning and learn from each completed loop, thus gaining health; no amount of health care can ever do that.

societal health pandemic perceptional reality decision-consequences learning loop

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