Journal of Automation and Control. 2022, 8(1), 1-4
DOI: 10.12691/automation-8-1-1
Open AccessArticle
Md Mahfujul Islam1, and Mohammad Tanviruzzaman2
1Electrical Electronic & Telecommunication Engineering, Dhaka International University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
2Chamical Engineering, The University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom
Pub. Date: July 31, 2022
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Md Mahfujul Islam and Mohammad Tanviruzzaman. RFID Based Smart Rotary Car Parking. Journal of Automation and Control. 2022; 8(1):1-4. doi: 10.12691/automation-8-1-1
This project aims to design, build, and implement a Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Based Smart Rotary Car Parking which will automatically park and retrieve the vehicles without the driver. Present parking systems have several problems, such as high operation costs, inefficient vehicle management, and, most importantly, the time-consuming process of issuing tokens and collecting money. Therefore, we are trying to resolve the above-stated problems by RFID Based Smart Rotary Car Parking. This project uses several sensors, trays and microcontrollers, and sensing circuits monitored by LCD displaying the entry and exit of vehicles. The vehicles are allowed access only when there is an empty tray, and the valid RFID card on the sensing circuit at the gate is punched. Similarly, the RFID card corresponding to the tray needs to be punched when the vehicle wants to exit. A sensor will determine whether a tray is occupied, and the resulting data will be fed to the display. The number of trays that are either empty or loaded will be prominently displayed on the monitor to aid drivers in making a decision. This automated system process allows the parking system to work efficiently and requires fewer personnel to manage the parking. Through the implementation of the RFID Based Smart Rotary Car Parking system, more cars can be accommodated in the same area and can be applied effectively in almost any city in the world. This resulting efficiency is the driving force in the global adoption of smart, automated car park systems in place of conventional car parking systems. This project focuses on the teamwork and engineering design principles process required for solving this problem. Although this approach works theoretically, the reality is that there are many unforeseen variables relating to technical mishaps, availability of desired components, efficient management and myriad other factors that may hamper this undertaking.Keywords:
robotics parking automation microcontroller
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