American Journal of Energy Research
ISSN (Print): 2328-7349 ISSN (Online): 2328-7330 Website: Editor-in-chief: Apply for this position
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Top Artiles

Open AccessArticleTop Artiles
Cooperation of a Steam Condenser with a Low-pressure Part of a Steam Turbine in Off-design Conditions
American Journal of Energy Research. 2015, 3(1), 13-18. DOI: 10.12691/ajer-3-1-3
Pub. Date: May 12, 2015Views: 37421Downloads: 33874Citations: 4
Open AccessArticleTop Artiles
A Novel Integrated Hydrothermal Liquefaction and Solar Catalytic Reforming Method for Enhanced Hydrogen Generation from Biomass
American Journal of Energy Research. 2015, 3(1), 1-7. DOI: 10.12691/ajer-3-1-1
Pub. Date: February 27, 2015Views: 54552Downloads: 52129Citations: 2
Open AccessArticleTop Artiles
Sonication Derived Powdered Mixtures of Ferrite and Ceramic Nanoparticles for H2 Generation
American Journal of Energy Research. 2015, 3(2), 25-31. DOI: 10.12691/ajer-3-2-2
Pub. Date: December 19, 2015Views: 26888Downloads: 24903
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Open AccessArticleTop Artiles
Exergoeconomic and Sustainability Analysis of Reheat Gas Turbine Engine
American Journal of Energy Research. 2016, 4(1), 1-10. DOI: 10.12691/ajer-4-1-1
Pub. Date: March 12, 2016Views: 27952Downloads: 25020
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Open AccessArticleTop Artiles
Energy Efficiency with Undesirable Output at the Economy-Wide Level: Cross Country Comparison in OECD Sample
American Journal of Energy Research. 2014, 2(1), 9-17. DOI: 10.12691/ajer-2-1-2
Pub. Date: February 16, 2014Views: 23752Downloads: 17858Citations: 9
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Open AccessArticleTop Artiles
Optical Characterization of TiO2-bound (CuFeMnO4) Absorber Paint for Solar Thermal Applications
American Journal of Energy Research. 2016, 4(1), 11-15. DOI: 10.12691/ajer-4-1-2
Pub. Date: May 26, 2016Views: 18023Downloads: 16741
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Open AccessArticleTop Artiles
Incidence Angle Effect on the Turbulent Flow around a Savonius Wind Rotor
American Journal of Energy Research. 2016, 4(2), 42-53. DOI: 10.12691/ajer-4-2-3
Pub. Date: September 12, 2016Views: 25489Downloads: 24177Citations: 1
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Open AccessArticleTop Artiles
The Impact of Gasoline Subsidy Removal on the Transportation Sector in Nigeria
American Journal of Energy Research. 2014, 2(3), 60-66. DOI: 10.12691/ajer-2-3-3
Pub. Date: June 10, 2014Views: 35524Downloads: 27339Citations: 4
Open AccessArticleTop Artiles
Quasi Isothermal Heat Engine for Concentrating Solar Power Systems
American Journal of Energy Research. 2016, 4(1), 16-26. DOI: 10.12691/ajer-4-1-3
Pub. Date: June 27, 2016Views: 29440Downloads: 27563
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Open AccessArticleTop Artiles
Experimental Investigation of Mass Transfer in a Channel of Contacting Conditioner
American Journal of Energy Research. 2016, 4(2), 27-34. DOI: 10.12691/ajer-4-2-1
Pub. Date: August 03, 2016Views: 21738Downloads: 20184
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