Global Journal of Surgery
ISSN (Print): 2379-8742 ISSN (Online): 2379-8750 Website: Editor-in-chief: Baki Topal
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Global Journal of Surgery. 2014, 2(3), 42-44
DOI: 10.12691/js-2-3-3
Open AccessSpecial Issue

Diagnostic Peritoneal Lavage: Blunt Tip 5mm Trocar - Channeled Drain Technique, Novel Technique

Saed Jaber1, , Aftab Ahmad1, Eman Zakarneh1, Ahmad Al-Fayez1 and Meshal Sayali1

1Department of Surgery King Fahd Military Medical Complex, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia

Pub. Date: December 14, 2014

Cite this paper:
Saed Jaber, Aftab Ahmad, Eman Zakarneh, Ahmad Al-Fayez and Meshal Sayali. Diagnostic Peritoneal Lavage: Blunt Tip 5mm Trocar - Channeled Drain Technique, Novel Technique. Global Journal of Surgery. 2014; 2(3):42-44. doi: 10.12691/js-2-3-3


Background: Diagnostic peritoneal lavage (DPL) is an invasive, rapid and highly accurate test for evaluating intraperitoneal hemorrhage or a ruptured hollow viscus. DPL plays a role in both blunt and penetrating abdominal trauma. In this article we are introducing a simple technique that can even speed up the DPL procedure by using blunt tip 5 mm trocar - 15 French Blake silicon drain in a semi-open technique. Method: Semi-open DPL was performed in 11 patients with blunt abdominal trauma (BAT). A blunt tip 5 mm trocar was introduced into the peritoneal cavity blindly and 15 Fr size Blake channeled drain was advanced into the peritoneal cavity and the peritoneal effluent was withdrawn and analyzed. Results: A total of 11 blunt abdominal trauma patients were subjected to 5mm Blunt Tip Trocar-Channeled Drain DPL technique. The DPL was grossly positive in 9 patients (81.8%) and subsequently were managed surgically and in two patients (18.2%) it was grossly and microscopically negative, subsequently both were managed conservatively. There was no complications attributed to this new DPL technique. Conclusion: The preliminary data suggest that blunt tip 5mm trocar - Channeled Drain technique delivers a faster reliable way of performing DPL in trauma patients. However, large number of cases is needed to justify its routine use in trauma.

peritoneal lavage trocar blake drain

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