Global Journal of Surgery
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Global Journal of Surgery. 2020, 8(1), 4-10
DOI: 10.12691/js-8-1-2
Open AccessLiterature Review

Inflammatory Fibroid Polyp Presenting as Ileo-colic Intussusception: A Case Report and Review of Literature

Sutrave Tarun1, Tanweerul Huda1, Merlyn S. Henriques1, Jason Golmei1 and Bharati Pandya1,

1Department of General Surgery, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Bhopal, India

Pub. Date: May 24, 2020

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Sutrave Tarun, Tanweerul Huda, Merlyn S. Henriques, Jason Golmei and Bharati Pandya. Inflammatory Fibroid Polyp Presenting as Ileo-colic Intussusception: A Case Report and Review of Literature. Global Journal of Surgery. 2020; 8(1):4-10. doi: 10.12691/js-8-1-2


AIM: To provide a brief review of literature on intussusception due to inflammatory fibroid polyp (IFP). METHODS: A case report on inflammatory fibroid polyp presenting as ileo-colic intussusception made us review the literature on IFPs presenting as Intussusception, published in PubMed in English language. A comprehensive search of all case reports was done using keywords: intussusception due to IFP, intussusception and IFP, intussusception, IFP. The search covered all case reports from 2000 to 2020. RESULTS: 53 case reports with a total of 55 cases were analysed in this article, the range of age with such a presentation was from minimum10 years to maximum 79 yrs age, with median age of presentation 48years. 22 cases were males and 32 females, with one case gender not specified. Most common site of IFP presenting as intussusception was ileum (43cases), leading to ileo-colic intussusceptions, there were 11 case reports of jejunal intussusceptions also.

Inflammatory fibroid Polyp (IFP) Ileocolic Intussusception Inflammatory myo-fibroblastic tumours (IMT)

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