International Journal of Physics
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International Journal of Physics. 2018, 6(6), 174-180
DOI: 10.12691/ijp-6-6-1
Open AccessArticle

Application of Complex Rotation Method for Calculate to Correlation Factor and the 2sns+1,3Se, 2snp+1,3P0, 2pnp+1,3De, 3d4d +1,3Ge Autoionizing States of He-like Atoms

B. Sow1, , A. Diouf1, Y. Gning1, B. Diop1, M. Sow1 and A. Wague1

1University Cheikh Anta Diop, Department of Physics, Atoms Laser Laboratory, Dakar, Senegal

Pub. Date: December 09, 2018

Cite this paper:
B. Sow, A. Diouf, Y. Gning, B. Diop, M. Sow and A. Wague. Application of Complex Rotation Method for Calculate to Correlation Factor and the 2sns+1,3Se, 2snp+1,3P0, 2pnp+1,3De, 3d4d +1,3Ge Autoionizing States of He-like Atoms. International Journal of Physics. 2018; 6(6):174-180. doi: 10.12691/ijp-6-6-1


Calculations of the energy levels of atoms and ions with Z ≤ 10 are carried out in this paper using the complex rotation method. Using a new wave function with two terms including a new method to calculate the correlation factor taking into account spherical harmonics through hypergeometric functions to calculate excited 2sns+1,3Se, 2snp+1,3P0, 2pnp+1,3De, 3d4d +1,3Ge states. The results obtained show quantitatively the great significance of electron correlation effects in the doubly excited states. These results are in compliance with some experimental and theoretical data.

wave function correlated two terms complex rotation method excited states correlation factor

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