International Journal of Physics
ISSN (Print): 2333-4568 ISSN (Online): 2333-4576 Website: Editor-in-chief: B.D. Indu
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International Journal of Physics. 2022, 10(1), 23-48
DOI: 10.12691/ijp-10-1-2
Open AccessArticle

Doubly-Excited 1,3Se, 1,3P0, 1,3De, 1,3F0 and 1,3Ge Resonances States of Two-Electron Atoms below the N = 3 – 8 Hydrogenic Thresholds

M.T. Gning1, and I. Sakho1

1Department of Physics Chemistry, UFR Sciences and Technologies, University of Thies, Thies, Senegal

Pub. Date: January 23, 2022

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M.T. Gning and I. Sakho. Doubly-Excited 1,3Se, 1,3P0, 1,3De, 1,3F0 and 1,3Ge Resonances States of Two-Electron Atoms below the N = 3 – 8 Hydrogenic Thresholds. International Journal of Physics. 2022; 10(1):23-48. doi: 10.12691/ijp-10-1-2


In this paper we present accurately calculated data on the resonance parameters (resonance energy and excitation energies) of the doubly excited singlet and triplet states 1,3Se, 1,3P0, 1,3De, 1,3F0 and 1,3Ge of helium and helium-like ions (Z = 2 – 10) located below the hydrogenic thresholds N = 3 – 8, using the variational method of the Screening Constant per Unit Nuclear Charge (SCUNC) formalism. These energies are calculated using special form wave functions of the Hylleraas type and a real Hamiltonian. The results obtained are in very good agreement with the experimental and theoretical values available in the literature. The results for the energies of the doubly excited 1,3Se, 1,3P0, 1,3De, 1,3F0 and 1,3Ge states associated with hydrogenic thresholds up to N = 8 listed for the first time in this paper may provide a useful guideline for future experimental and theoretical studies in the autoionization states of two-electron systems.

helium-like systems energy resonances excitation energy screening constant by unit nuclear charge (SCUNC) doubly excited states hylleraas type wave function

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