International Journal of Clinical Nutrition
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International Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2024, 8(1), 9-15
DOI: 10.12691/ijcn-8-1-2
Open AccessArticle

Characteristics of the Food Served to Type 2 Diabetic Patients Hospitalized At Angré Chu (Abidjan, Côte D’Ivoire)

Gbakayoro Jean-Brice1, , Yépié Audrey Herbert1, Vanié Stéphane Claver1, Essoh Essi Grâce Déborah1 and Brou Kouakou1

1Laboratory of Nutrition and Food Safety, UFR of Food Sciences and Technology, Nangui ABROGOUA University, Abidjan, Ivory Coast

Pub. Date: November 11, 2024

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Gbakayoro Jean-Brice, Yépié Audrey Herbert, Vanié Stéphane Claver, Essoh Essi Grâce Déborah and Brou Kouakou. Characteristics of the Food Served to Type 2 Diabetic Patients Hospitalized At Angré Chu (Abidjan, Côte D’Ivoire). International Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2024; 8(1):9-15. doi: 10.12691/ijcn-8-1-2


Just like outpatients undergoing treatment, hospitalized patients must have a good diet for better management of diabetic disease. The general objective of this work was to characterize the diet served to diabetic patients hospitalized at the Angré University Hospital. To do this, the profile of the patients and the different meals served to them were analyzed. The interactions between some patient characteristics and the evolution of blood sugar levels the next day were then studied. The results showed that 94.60% of the patients were over 40 years old and the majority of patients were admitted to the Angré University Hospital. Following hypoglycemia (24.32%) or hyperglycemia (45.95%). A number of patients had known diabetes for more than 2 years (67.54%) and mainly presented cardiac complications. The foods served by the University Hospital to patients were varied, diversified and mainly consisted of liquid or semi-liquid foods for breakfast, typical Ivorian dishes for lunch and vegetables or legumes for dinner. On average, 50 to 200 g, 150 to 250 g and 200 to 250 g of meals were served for breakfast, lunch and dinner, respectively, to each patient. The duration of discovery of diabetes and the occurrence of complications in patients were the main factors influencing the evolution of patients' blood sugar levels the next day. For a better balance of their blood sugar levels, patients must have greater compliance with the recommendations, the older the diabetes, in order to avoid the occurrence of complications.

diabetes diets blood sugar diabetic diet Angré University Hospital

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