American Journal of Educational Research
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American Journal of Educational Research. 2018, 6(6), 845-857
DOI: 10.12691/education-6-6-39
Open AccessArticle

Transformational Leadership and Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Kenya

Salome Njagi Odek1,

1University of Eastern Africa, Baraton, P.o Box 2500-30100, Eldoret, Kenya

Pub. Date: June 13, 2018

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Salome Njagi Odek. Transformational Leadership and Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Kenya. American Journal of Educational Research. 2018; 6(6):845-857. doi: 10.12691/education-6-6-39


This study looks at some significant variables in Adventist schools in relation to organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). The study is designed to address the problem, “To what extent does transformational leadership relate to the OCB of the teachers?” The study seeks to provide a better theoretical understanding of OCB in Adventist schools in Kenya. One of the elements that enhance the performance of an organization is the OCB of its workers. Although OCB is important, little is known about the factors contributing to willingness of teachers going an extra mile in their workplace. The respondents were 170 teachers from Adventist schools in Kenya. The teachers responded to 2 instruments along with demographic variables. These were the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire and Organizational Citizenship Behavior Scale. The instruments utilized in the study (MLQ and OCB) were adequate for utilization in Adventist schools in Kenya. Teachers with lower than bachelor’s degree education, below 30 years of age, and have been teaching for less than one year in the school were significantly different than other categories, on transformational leadership style and OCB.

organizational citizenship behavior: altruism conscientiousness civic virtue sportsmanship courtesy. transformational leadership

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