American Journal of Educational Research
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American Journal of Educational Research. 2018, 6(6), 664-672
DOI: 10.12691/education-6-6-13
Open AccessArticle

Contextualizing the First Two Years of the Libyan Education Reform Proposed Strategies (2020-2026): Targeted Candidates and Reflective Activities

Dr. Ageila Ali Elabbar1, 2,

1Current Position: Academic & Cultural Attaché at the Embassy of Libya, Washington, DC

2Original Position: Staff Member at the Faculty of Education, University of Benghazi, Libya

Pub. Date: May 24, 2018

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Dr. Ageila Ali Elabbar. Contextualizing the First Two Years of the Libyan Education Reform Proposed Strategies (2020-2026): Targeted Candidates and Reflective Activities. American Journal of Educational Research. 2018; 6(6):664-672. doi: 10.12691/education-6-6-13


This paper is a continuation of the previous published paper “National Libyan Public Education Reform: Entire Transformative Strategies, 2020–2026 – November 2017,” which proposed a framework for reforming Libyan public education with consideration of the difficulties that educators and learners facing due to the confusing conditions. It divided the reform plan into three phases in six years of gradual reform (for example, 2020-2026) to overcome their faced constraints, which come from the existing economic effects, discouraged forms of education, changeable curriculums, bureaucratic schools and university organizations, the conservative community, two generations of teachers, and uncertain education strategies. Another factor is the way learners learn (learning styles), besides current political upheavals all over Libya (civil war), which affected the entire stability of education in Libya and led to there being two ministries of education (east and west Libya). Therefore, six years of gradual reform stages were planned so that a new generation of students will start with pre-kindergarten in academic year 2026, or six years after the start of the strategy. This idea is the result of several published studies on the Libyan education context, which led to insights on implementing complete reform approaches for the entire Libyan education system. Accordingly, I will explain in depth each of the three phases in separate papers, starting with this paper, which aims to contextualize Phase 1 of the first two years (2020-2022) of the entire suggested proposal (2020-2026 or equal years).

Targeted figures and policy makers CPD and its central models Desirable candidates Activities & Anticipated outcomes Activities & time tables

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