American Journal of Educational Research
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American Journal of Educational Research. 2014, 2(7), 513-518
DOI: 10.12691/education-2-7-13
Open AccessArticle

Art-tutorship and Quality of Teaching: new Frontiers for Classrooms to Teach and Educate to 'Art'

Ferrara Lydia1, , Flammia Aurora2 and De Venuto Marcella2

1Department of Pharmacy, University of Naples “Federico II,” via Domenico Montesano, Naples, Italy

2ISFOM, Istituto Formazione Musicoterapia, corso Vittorio Emanuele, Naples, Italy

Pub. Date: July 04, 2014

Cite this paper:
Ferrara Lydia, Flammia Aurora and De Venuto Marcella. Art-tutorship and Quality of Teaching: new Frontiers for Classrooms to Teach and Educate to 'Art'. American Journal of Educational Research. 2014; 2(7):513-518. doi: 10.12691/education-2-7-13


Art is the product of a creative process that manifests itself in most forms of expression and is an experience for both the author and the user. Therapy is everything that relates to change and is realized with a request for help from those who manifested dysfunctionality in relational life that the Art-tutor can help you ask yourself differently in respect of himself and of reality. Over the past decade, the Italian University went through deep renovations, which led to the transition from University of knowledge to University of skills. The University reform, under the teaching autonomy of universities, gave ample space to the role of the quality of teaching, highlighting the importance of informational structures, development and consolidation of the functions of guidance and support to students, to make effective the right to University study. Tutorial Teaching Art Therapy should be promoted in all teaching-learning situations until joining in universities. Encouraging communication and expression, through sound (structured and unstructured), movement, the tools (conventional, unconventional and natural), using the colors and the body as effective vehicles to determine a bond and a relationship between participants. It operates not only on suffering and discomfort but is also a means to get to the full understanding of the cognitive, emotional issues and relationship of oneself and of others In his teaching, art-tutor is a teacher who helps learning, offers a professional model to observe and imitate, aims at the other's autonomy and accompanies the learner competence; identifies and makes possible essential educational objectives; helps to learn, to educate but principally shapes and educates. In addition to helping the exercise of skill, knowledge transfers, educating; helps give shape and meaning to knowledge, valuing what they so unaware the learner already possesses.

Tutorial Teaching Art Therappy (TTAT) empowerment art-tutorship problem based learning study delay university teaching

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