American Journal of Educational Research
ISSN (Print): 2327-6126 ISSN (Online): 2327-6150 Website: Editor-in-chief: Ratko Pavlović
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American Journal of Educational Research. 2022, 10(3), 116-126
DOI: 10.12691/education-10-3-2
Open AccessArticle

The Pandemic Impact on Online Education as an Urban Insurgence: Cognitive Neuroergonomics of Virtual Learning Environments

Gustavo Luiz Gava1,

1PPGTU, Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil

Pub. Date: March 08, 2022

Cite this paper:
Gustavo Luiz Gava. The Pandemic Impact on Online Education as an Urban Insurgence: Cognitive Neuroergonomics of Virtual Learning Environments. American Journal of Educational Research. 2022; 10(3):116-126. doi: 10.12691/education-10-3-2


This research sought to present an urban insurgence aggravated by the coronavirus pandemic and that is still overrunning the Brazilian Education: the access to online Education. The research objective was to propose a study of urban management that aimed to promote a negotiated management for online Education. The methodological proposal was subdivided into three sections, using a triangular nature: bibliographic, quantitative and exploratory. This urban phenomenon evidenced the need for rapprochement between the Educational Market and the City to plan access strategies that would guarantee the basic rights of citizens such as Education. The pandemic highlighted the urban weaknesses of Internet access, as well as some precarious consequences in the teaching and learning process students who seek a better qualification when they opt for this modality of Private Network Education. The result shows that there is a lack of decentralization and quality in the Internet access, which compromises the students’ affective (feelings and emotions) and cognitive (neuroergonomics) experience in virtual environments.

online education virtual learning environment cognitive neuroergonomics

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