American Journal of Educational Research
ISSN (Print): 2327-6126 ISSN (Online): 2327-6150 Website: Editor-in-chief: Ratko Pavlović
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American Journal of Educational Research. 2021, 9(12), 730-745
DOI: 10.12691/education-9-12-6
Open AccessArticle

Peace Education and Peace Culture in a Philippine Schools Division

Alicia D. Sapao1, and Darwin Don M. Dacles2

1Pansindaramuan: Center for Indigenous Peoples’ Studies, Nueva Vizcaya State University Bambang Campus, Nueva Vizcaya, Philippines

2University Research Center, Saint Mary’s University, Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya, Philippines

Pub. Date: December 16, 2021

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Alicia D. Sapao and Darwin Don M. Dacles. Peace Education and Peace Culture in a Philippine Schools Division. American Journal of Educational Research. 2021; 9(12):730-745. doi: 10.12691/education-9-12-6


Utilizing a combination of quantitative – qualitative research approaches, this study gathered information on the underlying structural and socio-cultural factors in the Schools Division of Nueva Vizcaya that build peace as well as how schools promote some factors that build peace culture and the challenges they encounter in promoting peace education. Findings of the study revealed that generally, the school administrators, teachers and student leaders dispensed their power based on mutual agreements and they followed the democratic type. There was free flow of information in the school and rules and regulations were treated as flexible. Teaching styles were perceived to be innovative and student-centered. Learning gains are creative, supervised and inclusive. School – community partnerships through the Homeroom Parents – Teachers’ Association (HPTA) are sustained, empowering and treated as major partner in the holistic education of the learners. The Division greatly promotes peace education through curriculum integration, instructional contents, pedagogies, instructional materials used, and initiatives in extra and co-curricular activities, community extension, school policies and rules, plan and program and peace linkages. However, based on document scanning and analysis, areas that need to be enhanced were seen in establishing greater articulation of peace education in teacher pedagogies, instructional materials, community extension and linkages. Peace plan and program must be made more specific and concrete. Forging stronger partnerships between the school and private, governmental, and non-governmental organizations were seen as vital in sustaining peace education. The proposed Peace Education Action Plan which is aimed to enhance the peace education program in the Schools Division of Nueva Vizcaya was seen as relevant since they are largely based on the findings of this study.

community extension services initiatives in extra and co-curricular activities peace pedagogies peace plan and program peace linkages and school policies and rules

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