American Journal of Educational Research
ISSN (Print): 2327-6126 ISSN (Online): 2327-6150 Website: Editor-in-chief: Ratko Pavlović
Open Access
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American Journal of Educational Research. 2013, 1(11), 555-560
DOI: 10.12691/education-1-11-17
Open AccessResearch Article

The Use of Instrumental and Controlling Program Master of Logic for Solving the Basic Class Problems of Propositional Algebra: Didactic Aspect

K. M. Lyubchenko1,

1Department of Computer Science and Information Management Systems, Cherkasy B.Khmelnytsky National University, Cherkasy, Ukraine

Pub. Date: November 19, 2013
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Ensuring the quality of higher education)

Cite this paper:
K. M. Lyubchenko. The Use of Instrumental and Controlling Program Master of Logic for Solving the Basic Class Problems of Propositional Algebra: Didactic Aspect. American Journal of Educational Research. 2013; 1(11):555-560. doi: 10.12691/education-1-11-17


The basic opportunities of Master of Logic program are considered in the article. A number of examples concerning its practical use while solving the basic class problems of propositional algebra are given. Program controlling component helping to develop and take measures to control students' and pupils' knowledge and skills more efficiently is considered. The article is primarily assigned for Discrete Mathematics, Mathematical Logics, Artificial Intelligence, etc. teachers of higher schools, Computer Science and Mathematics teachers of secondary schools, students of corresponding specialities and pupils.

learning tools mathematical logics propositional algebra Master of Logic

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