American Journal of Mechanical Engineering
ISSN (Print): 2328-4102 ISSN (Online): 2328-4110 Website: Editor-in-chief: Kambiz Ebrahimi, Dr. SRINIVASA VENKATESHAPPA CHIKKOL
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American Journal of Mechanical Engineering. 2013, 1(2), 34-42
DOI: 10.12691/ajme-1-2-3
Open AccessArticle

Investigation of Different Methods of Noise Reduction for Submerged Marine Propellers and Their Classification

Mohammad A. Feizi Chekab1, Parviz Ghadimi1, , Seyed Reza Djeddi1 and Mehdi Soroushan1

1Department of Marine Technology, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

Pub. Date: April 11, 2013

Cite this paper:
Mohammad A. Feizi Chekab, Parviz Ghadimi, Seyed Reza Djeddi and Mehdi Soroushan. Investigation of Different Methods of Noise Reduction for Submerged Marine Propellers and Their Classification. American Journal of Mechanical Engineering. 2013; 1(2):34-42. doi: 10.12691/ajme-1-2-3


In this paper, the most prevalent methods of reducing noise from the marine propellers are surveyed and introduced. Subsequently, these methods are analyzed and classified as five different categories. This categorization is conducted from the stand points of technology and cost, the type of noise (cavitation, non-cavitation noise), the method of noise reduction (change in propeller geometry, modification of inlet flow, and confinement of the propeller), frequency of the targeted noise, and simplicity of implementation of the method of noise reduction in the existing vessels. The scientific classification performed in this article would bring about better recognition of and acquaintance with each of the mentioned methods of noise reduction, its limitations in cost and applications, which would in turn help the designers and the decision makers make the right decision under different operational circumstances.

submerged marine propeller sound propagation methods of noise reduction cavitation noise

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