American Journal of Applied Psychology
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American Journal of Applied Psychology. 2014, 2(5), 104-108
DOI: 10.12691/ajap-2-5-1
Open AccessArticle

Studying the Belief of Borderline Personality Disorder Patient about the Necessity of Medication and the Role of Demographic Factors in Adherence to Treatment

Bani Asad MH1, , Vahdat Shariaat Pana M2 and Hemmati MA1

1Psychiatrist, Faculty Member and Assistant Professor of Islamic Azad University of Tehran

2Director of Psychology Department and Associate Professor of Islamic Azad University of Tehran

Pub. Date: October 12, 2014

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Bani Asad MH, Vahdat Shariaat Pana M and Hemmati MA. Studying the Belief of Borderline Personality Disorder Patient about the Necessity of Medication and the Role of Demographic Factors in Adherence to Treatment. American Journal of Applied Psychology. 2014; 2(5):104-108. doi: 10.12691/ajap-2-5-1


Adherence to appropriate treatment and medicine taking plays a crucial role in the success of treatment especially in treating chronic diseases and total quality in patient as “user- client”. Patient adherence to treatment is dependent on their belief about the necessity of the taking medicine and their concerns over its effects. This paper aims at studying the effect of patient belief about the prescribed medicine and the role of some demographic factors including gender, age and educational level in adherence to disease. This descriptive-analytical via cross-sectional study was done through interviewing 38 patients with border line personality disorder and three valid and reliable questionnaires including demographic, BMQ and Morisky features. Result showed there was a significant and reverse relationship between the patients’ age and their adherence to treatment, but this did not apply to the patient gender. There was a significant and reverse relationship between educational level and adherence to treatment, in patients with a history of violence and history of hospitalized there was also a significant relationship between patient belief in the necessity of prescribed medicine and adherence. So, through demographic features, age was a significant and reverse relationship (P=0.001) to adherence. There was a significant and reverse relationship between educational level and adherence to treatment in two groups of outpatients and patients with a history of violence too. Accordingly the more educated patients adhered less to treatment, there was no significant relationship between adherence to treatment and educational level. Therefore, we concluded applying educational interventions in order to improve patient awareness about medication and their belief on necessity of treatment will promote their health.

adherence to treatment patient belief borderline personality disorder educational level demographic features educated patients

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