American Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics
ISSN (Print): 2328-7306 ISSN (Online): 2328-7292 Website: Editor-in-chief: Mohamed Seddeek
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American Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics. 2016, 4(6), 173-177
DOI: 10.12691/ajams-4-6-2
Open AccessArticle

An Absorbing Markov Chain Model for Problem-Solving

Michael Gr. Voskoglou1,

1Department of Mathematical Sciences, School of Technological Applications, Graduate Technological Educational Institute (T. E. I.) of Western Greece, Patras, Greece

Pub. Date: December 23, 2016

Cite this paper:
Michael Gr. Voskoglou. An Absorbing Markov Chain Model for Problem-Solving. American Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics. 2016; 4(6):173-177. doi: 10.12691/ajams-4-6-2


In the present paper an absorbing Markov Chain model is developed for the description of the problem-solving process and through it a measure is obtained for problem-solving skills. Examples are also presented illustrating the model’s applicability in practice.

Problem-Solving (PS) Multidimensional PS Framework (MPSF) Finite Markov Chain (FMC) Absorbing Markov Chain (AMC) Transition Matrix Fundamental Matrix

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