Journal of Applied & Environmental Microbiology
ISSN (Print): 2373-6747 ISSN (Online): 2373-6712 Website: Editor-in-chief: Sankar Narayan Sinha
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Journal of Applied & Environmental Microbiology. 2014, 2(2), 42-45
DOI: 10.12691/jaem-2-2-2
Open AccessArticle

Conservation of Biodiversity with Reference to Indigenous Herbal Therapeutic Agents

Jaya Vikas Kurhekar1,

1Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology, Bharati Vidyapeeth's Dr. Patangrao Kadam Mahavidyalaya, Sangli, Maharashtra State, India

Pub. Date: February 28, 2014

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Jaya Vikas Kurhekar. Conservation of Biodiversity with Reference to Indigenous Herbal Therapeutic Agents. Journal of Applied & Environmental Microbiology. 2014; 2(2):42-45. doi: 10.12691/jaem-2-2-2


Biodiversity with reference to ethnic therapeutic agents is a much studied phenomenon. In the present study, commonly available herbs like Aloe vera, Andropogum citratum, creeper like Piper betel and tree like Terminalia arjuna, known to have healing effects, were checked for their antimicrobial activity. Aqueous extracts of suitable plant parts were checked for antimicrobial activities against selected Gram positive and Gram negative microbial pathogens. Maximum activity was shown by Terminalia arjuna against Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The antimicrobial activity of plant extracts was compared with that of standard antibiotics. Piper betel inhibited maximum number of pathogens showing equivalence to Nalidixic acid. The study emphasizes the fact that nature has cure against most natural invasions and the need for preserving and propagating such ethnic medicinal agents once again comes to fore.

therapeutic agent antimicrobial activity aqueous extract inhibition zones preservation and propagation ethnic medicinal agents

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