Journal of Applied & Environmental Microbiology
ISSN (Print): 2373-6747 ISSN (Online): 2373-6712 Website: Editor-in-chief: Sankar Narayan Sinha
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Journal of Applied & Environmental Microbiology. 2013, 1(1), 12-17
DOI: 10.12691/jaem-1-1-3
Open AccessArticle

Management of Liquid Solid Waste

Seid Yimer1 and Omprakash Sahu2,

1Department of Chemical Engineering, KIOT, Wollo University, Ethiopia

2Department of Chemical Engineering, NIT Raipur, India

Pub. Date: December 22, 2013

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Seid Yimer and Omprakash Sahu. Management of Liquid Solid Waste. Journal of Applied & Environmental Microbiology. 2013; 1(1):12-17. doi: 10.12691/jaem-1-1-3


Human activities produced huge amount of solid waste. Thus one of the main concerns in the land filled site management is the production of leachate. If managing will not properly so many problem are to be faced in which linkage of leachate is one the important matter. The treatment of Leacheat is complex issue due to high suspended solids; colour and COD are amongst the main form of pollutants in leachate. Application of physical or biological process alone is normally not effective to remove these constituents, especially for leachate with lower BOD/COD ratio. The paper presents the results of treatability studies on high strength landfill leachate. During the studies physico-chemical methods, biological treatment and an ozonation were tested. Optimization of treatment using each treatment method was performed. the treatment system produced the high quality effluent, suitable for discharge to the surface water.

landfill leachate biological treatment coagulation-flocculation ozonation

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