World Journal of Agricultural Research
ISSN (Print): 2333-0643 ISSN (Online): 2333-0678 Website: Editor-in-chief: Rener Luciano de Souza Ferraz
Open Access
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World Journal of Agricultural Research. 2016, 4(3), 94-97
DOI: 10.12691/wjar-4-3-5
Open AccessArticle

Calculating Biogas Potential in Croatia: Case of a PIG Farm and Small-scale Digestion

A. M. Spicnagel1, T. Puskaric1 and J. Van Driessche2,

1Department for Economy, Regional Development and EU Funds, Sisak- Moslavina County, Sisak, Croatia

2Innova Energy, Lierde, Belgium

Pub. Date: May 04, 2016

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A. M. Spicnagel, T. Puskaric and J. Van Driessche. Calculating Biogas Potential in Croatia: Case of a PIG Farm and Small-scale Digestion. World Journal of Agricultural Research. 2016; 4(3):94-97. doi: 10.12691/wjar-4-3-5


With Croatia becoming a member of the European Union in 2013, the country faces numerous challenges and opportunities. The energy production from organic waste is less than 3 % of total energy production, although the potential is 10 times higher. It becomes evident that the agricultural sector can play an important role in reaching the country’s renewable energy target. Moreover, research and field trials indicate the opportunities for digestate as a replacer of mineral fertilizer. In order to boost the agro- energy sector, Sisak–Moslavina County joined the FP7 funded project - INEMAD (Improved Nutrient and Energy Management through Anaerobic Digestion, 2012-2016) - whose main goal is to reconnect livestock and crop production in a sustainable way. In order to investigate potentials, SMC, together with two Belgian partners (DLV Belgium, Innova Energy) prepared a feasibility study of the biogas potential for the pig farm K. from Osijek – Baranja County. The pig farm has a production capacity of 7.200 pigs. The feasibility study showed that for a farm of this size an optimal solution would be an installation of a small-scale digester. In the specific case, the plant of 38 kWel would allow the framer to spread the manure/ digestate more easily and generate electricity that could be used on the farm. However, the plant of 11 kWel. would be enough for covering the farm´s energy needs which allows farmer to use specific renewable energy sources focused governmental subsidies. Based on the biogas calculation tool, developed by DLV Belgium, the biogas unit of 11 kWel. could produce 54.000 m3/year of biogas (approximately 59.600 m3/year of biomethane). Another added value of the biogas plant implementation would be an improved nutrient management that would result in creating highly valuable organic fertilizer - digestate. This contribution provides insights in the feasibility study preparation and answers to farmer ownership questions on biogas production in organic farming that is similar in size and capacity.

biogas pig manure INEMAD project small-scale Croatia

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