Sustainable Energy
ISSN (Print): 2372-2134 ISSN (Online): 2372-2142 Website: Editor-in-chief: Apply for this position
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Sustainable Energy. 2016, 4(1), 28-33
DOI: 10.12691/rse-4-1-4
Open AccessArticle

Dynamics of Geothermal Variability in the Nigerian Sector of the Chad Basin

M. Y. Kwaya1, E. Kurowska2 and A. S. Arabi3,

1Department of Geology, Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto, Nigeria

2Department of Fundamental Geology, University of Silesia, Poland

3Department of Geology, Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Bayero University Kano-Nigeria

Pub. Date: December 21, 2016

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M. Y. Kwaya, E. Kurowska and A. S. Arabi. Dynamics of Geothermal Variability in the Nigerian Sector of the Chad Basin. Sustainable Energy. 2016; 4(1):28-33. doi: 10.12691/rse-4-1-4


Having a sedimentary fills of approximately 10km is an indication that the Nigerian sector of the Chad Basin is deep enough for attainment of geothermal field. Geothermal gradients of more than 3.0°C/100m in the region were reported by earlier workers. This work is set out to determine the spatial distribution of temperatures at different depth within the Chad Basin. Isothermal maps were prepared on the basis of previously produced “Map of Geothermal Gradient and of mean annual air temperature in the area using computer program and other calculations using “Grid Math” option. Maps of depth to Isothermal temperature of 100°C, 125°C, 150°C and 175°C were produced and the results shows that isothermal surface of 100°C vary from 1200mbgl west of Dikwa town to about 2400mbgl around Kala area. Isothermal temperature of 125°C can be reached at 1800mbgl west of Dikwa to about 2200mbgl around Kukawa while isothermal surface 175°C which happens to be a major important temperature for generation of electricity occur in the study area at 2600mbgl west of Dikwa and 3000mbgl north of Bida. The spatial distribution of these temperatures at varying depths suggest occurrence of geothermal resources that can be harnessed for different applications such as binary technology for electricity generation.

geothermal gradient bida energy nigeria chad basin

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