Sustainable Energy
ISSN (Print): 2372-2134 ISSN (Online): 2372-2142 Website: Editor-in-chief: Apply for this position
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Sustainable Energy. 2016, 4(1), 17-27
DOI: 10.12691/rse-4-1-3
Open AccessArticle

Experimental Development of Solar Collector of Unconventional Air

J. O. Almirón1 and M. A. Lara1,

1Alternative Energy Laboratory (FCEIA-IFIR-UNR-CONICET), Av. Pellegrini 250 - CP 2000 – Rosario, Argentina

Pub. Date: June 22, 2016

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J. O. Almirón and M. A. Lara. Experimental Development of Solar Collector of Unconventional Air. Sustainable Energy. 2016; 4(1):17-27. doi: 10.12691/rse-4-1-3


Is designed and built a solar air collector, corresponding to an elliptical collector format, in order to analyze their energy performance in terms of thermal efficiency and feasibility, to be used in agro-industrial processes and environments conditioning habitat. Experimental data were surveyed to quantify and substantiate efficiency of the device as a heat exchanger. These results were favorable than expected before construction. Average values less than 25% efficiency were expected, and average values of 28.7% were obtained. The velocity values of internal air tested were between 1.1 and 1.83 m/seg., and angles experienced were 44 ° and 40° to the horizontal plane. The final conclusión allows us to demonstrate that the unconventional system can obtain the same results as conventional air collectors in terms of operability and heat exchange.

solar energy collector heat transfer efficiency

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