Physics and Materials Chemistry
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Physics and Materials Chemistry. 2016, 4(1), 1-5
DOI: 10.12691/pmc-4-1-1
Open AccessArticle

Structural and Optical Properties and Relaxation Process of Pulsed Laser Grown and Annealed Mo-doped ZnO Nanostructures

M. Bachir Gaye1, C. B. Ndao1, E. H. O. Gueye1, NM Ndiaye1, , I Ngom1, BD Ngom1, B. Lo1, P. D. Tall1 and AC Beye1

1Laboratoire de Photonique et de Nano-Fabrication, Groupe de physique du Solide et Science des Matériaux, Faculté des sciences et Techniques Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar (UCAD), B.P. 25114 Dakar-Fann Dakar (Senegal)

Pub. Date: June 18, 2016

Cite this paper:
M. Bachir Gaye, C. B. Ndao, E. H. O. Gueye, NM Ndiaye, I Ngom, BD Ngom, B. Lo, P. D. Tall and AC Beye. Structural and Optical Properties and Relaxation Process of Pulsed Laser Grown and Annealed Mo-doped ZnO Nanostructures. Physics and Materials Chemistry. 2016; 4(1):1-5. doi: 10.12691/pmc-4-1-1


ZnO is a well-known good transparent conducting oxide (TCO), which becomes a donor-type semiconductor when doped with Al, In, Ga or Zr impurities. ZnO-based TCO nano-structures exhibit room temperature electrical conductivity of the order of 10-4Ω /cm., which is comparable to SnO2: In, i.e. Indium doped Tin Oxide (ITO). The need for an alternative to ITO in the growing solar cell and flat panel display markets previously drove the studies of ZnO-based TCO because their low cost and absence of toxicity are attractive factors compared to ITO. Furthermore, the synthesis methodology should allow large coatings for flat panels and solar cells applications specifically. This contribution reports on the structural and opto-electronics properties of ZnO:Mo nano-structures in the ultraviolet, visible and infrared deposited by pulsed laser deposition on borosilicate substrate. The structural investigations carried out by means of x-ray diffraction technique (XRD) showed that the polycrystalline film have a hexagonal (Würtzite) structure with lattice parameter a and b of 3.242 and 5.176Å respectively. The UV-Visible transmission is more than 80%, while the IR transmission is less than 10% showing the highly transparent and conducting properties of the films thereby appropriate for opto-electronic windows.

ZnO TCO band gap solar cell PLD

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