Neuro-Ophthalmology & Visual Neuroscience
ISSN (Print): 2572-7257 ISSN (Online): 2572-7281 Website: Editor-in-chief: Carlo Aleci
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Neuro-Ophthalmology & Visual Neuroscience. 2019, 4(1), 1-3
DOI: 10.12691/novn-4-1-1
Open AccessCase Report

A Case of Homonymous Hemianopia Caused by Metastatic Melanoma: Incorporating Neuro-Ophthalmological Exams in Screening for Recurrent Metastatic Disease

Maja Magazin1, and Lee Shettle D.O.2

1Nova Southeastern University College of Osteopathic Medicine, Ft. Lauderdale, U.S.A.

2Lee Shettle Eye and Hearing, Largo, U.S.A.

Pub. Date: August 08, 2019

Cite this paper:
Maja Magazin and Lee Shettle D.O.. A Case of Homonymous Hemianopia Caused by Metastatic Melanoma: Incorporating Neuro-Ophthalmological Exams in Screening for Recurrent Metastatic Disease. Neuro-Ophthalmology & Visual Neuroscience. 2019; 4(1):1-3. doi: 10.12691/novn-4-1-1


Central nervous system tumors cause about 11% of all cases of homonymous hemianopia.1 Detection of visual field defects is important as it can aid in localization of cerebral lesions, especially in metastatic disease. These visual field defects are often unrecognized by the patient and may go undiagnosed without the proper screening. Here we present a case of left homonymous hemianopia caused by metastatic melanoma to the occipital lobe. Incorporating neuro-ophthalmological exams into current guidelines for surveillance of cutaneous melanoma may aid in the early detection of recurrent disease.

neuro-ophthalmology melanoma homonymous hemianopia

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