American Journal of Materials Engineering and Technology
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American Journal of Materials Engineering and Technology. 2017, 5(1), 7-13
DOI: 10.12691/materials-5-1-2
Open AccessReview Article

Advances in Joining and Welding Technologies for Automotive and Electronic Applications

Ashok K Srivastava1, and Ashutosh Sharma2

1Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, SOE, OP Jindal University, Raigarh (C.G.), India

2Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Seoul, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Pub. Date: August 17, 2017

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Ashok K Srivastava and Ashutosh Sharma. Advances in Joining and Welding Technologies for Automotive and Electronic Applications. American Journal of Materials Engineering and Technology. 2017; 5(1):7-13. doi: 10.12691/materials-5-1-2


The joining of various parts in engineering applications such as automotive components, aircrafts, medical implants, sensor devices, interconnections etc., are a great concern nowadays. Various types of low melting point fillers, braze and alloys have been also developed but problem of crack generation and failures are not satisfactorily treated. This paper reviews some of the developments in traditional and modern joining techniques in automotive joining and welding. Currently, joining of composites is attracting researchers for weight reduction and economy. There are many practical techniques for joining metals and ceramics to themselves and to dissimilar materials. An overview of various processes of joining metal-metal, ceramic-metal and composites, factors affecting joining and approaches used to improve the brazed joint structures are presented here. In addition, new modifications in welding and brazing processes are outlined for further directions.

brazing soldering welding steel metal filler automotive

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