American Journal of Marine Science
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American Journal of Marine Science. 2014, 2(2), 33-37
DOI: 10.12691/marine-2-2-1
Open AccessArticle

Evaluation of Occupational Hazards of Quay Side Crane Operator Using Job Safety Analysis

Hassan Jafari1,

1Department of Marine Transports, Faculty of Maritime Economics & Management, Khoramshahr University of Marine Science and Technology, Iran

Pub. Date: April 20, 2014

Cite this paper:
Hassan Jafari. Evaluation of Occupational Hazards of Quay Side Crane Operator Using Job Safety Analysis. American Journal of Marine Science. 2014; 2(2):33-37. doi: 10.12691/marine-2-2-1


Nowadays the development speed of the technology is beyond of the human perception. However, every new and innovate profession is not completely safe and sound. How to identify and recognize those work menace and risks is the question that in this study we want to clarify it. There are many methods to concern about risks assessment and here we can refer to Job safety analysis, Safety Audit and etc. What do we mean by Job safety analysis is to put all the processes and activities into a detailed analysis in order to reach the main goal of the work. In this analytical-descriptive study, the vintage is mainly focus on the identification and Job safety analysis of the quay side cranes operator in Imam Khomeini port and offering convenient controlling strategies for reduction and prevention of the probable incidents and unfavorable events. The resulted data of the risks evaluation showed that in the checking level for the facilitating before the start, the risk of the insufficient room in the powerhouse and the body parts contact with the considered items attends the risk priority of 54 and in the discharging level: the risks of the wires cut and falling of the cargo on the stuff and the trucks attends the risk priority of 100 and in the discharging and loading ironware level: the risk of the hook wire cut attends the risk priority of 100 respectively. Finally for each mentioned risk, some suggestive control methods were presented.

risks operator quay side cranes Grain terminal jab safety

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